Setting Boundaries

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After coming back from the Knee I tried to have a conversation with Luz, but every time I tried, she'd change the subject, brushed me aside or just flat out ignored me. And I don't blame her.

Madelene: Luz, can we talk?

Luz: I have somewhere to go.

Madelene: Luz, you got a minute?

Luz: Raincheck, I'm tired.

Madelene: Luz, I know we're not on good vibes right now, but maybe we can eat together? I cooked-

Luz: I just ate.


Luz: Maybe later, I gotta pee!

Madelene: Luz-

Luz: I'm dressing King, we'll be here long!

Madelene: Luz.

Luz: Eda needs me at the stall.

Madelene: Luz.

Luz: Not now, Madelene.


Luz: KINGGG!!! Where are you bud!?

Madelene: ....Luz?

Luz: Nope, she's outside.

Madelene: This is getting ridiculous.

I huffed, frustrated.

Madelene: Maybe I can use breakfast to talk with her? Stupid, that didn't work last time, why would it now? Maybe helping her with her entrance exam? Like she'd even let me. I'm a beginner myself...

I paced back and forth in the kitchen. UGH! I know Luz! I should be able to figure out how to apologize! But I've never seen her this angry at me before. Or indifferent. Or cold.



I yelled at nothing, my voice bouncing off the walls. I looked left and right to see if someone heard me, don't want everyone thinking I'm mad now.

Madelene: UGH! Why is this so difficult!

Hooty: Hi Madelene!

Madelene: Motherf-!

I snag a mean punch to the left in a fight response.

Hooty: Holy smoking meatballs!

Fortunately, Hooty dodge as I right myself, laughing.

Madelene: Sheesh, Hooty! I almost got you there!

Hooty: I think it's the other way arounddd~~~ What's up, hoot? You seem kinda down. Anything I can do to help~~~?

Madelene: I don't think you can help, Hooty, no offense.

Hooty: You won't know unless you try~~

Madelene: Ugh, fine. It's not like it will change anything... It's Luz, Hooty. I messed up really badly and we had a falling out.

Hooty: Oooohhhh~ So that's why she was so mad when they came back, hoot. And why she kept avoiding youuuuu~

Madelene: So you've noticed. Congrats.

Hooty: I have eyes, hoot hoot! But thank youuu~~~!

Eda: Hooty's dumb as the dirt around here, but the air burns with the tension around you hooligans. Like there's an awaiting boiling rain inside kind of tension.

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