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Sooooo been a while... Hi guys, yeah... sorry for lack of updates, been just really busy, me with the baking training and my friend just graduated College two/three weeks ago (congrats to her :3), and I'm well on my way next month, yaaay :3. 

But good news, I'm not abandoning this story and I don't plan to, the next chapter is already done and I'm already working on the one after it, plus I have some other stories in the works too.

Hopefully I can finish the new chapter by next week or the week after, but I give you guys a choice.

Do you want the next chapter now?


Do you want to wait until my friend and I finish the new chapter so ya'll get a double chapter?

Just leave your votes, and I'll count them in 2 days.

See you guys in 2 days, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

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