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As people were back to their homes, back to their daily routine of lives after the marriage the three souls in distress couldn't be anymore relieved about the end of marriage which had been more of a hell for them because of obvious reasons. It was ironic how such a happy and sacred event had kept their hearts heavy during the whole time. Maybe that's why people say life is unfair.

It was indeed unfair to them.

Sun shone, sunlights harshly peeping through window making it hard for Nandini to sleep. She covered her face more in the duvet and tried to fall back to sleep but the constant noises and hustle bustle from outside failed her attempt so she had no choice but to wake up eventually against her will. She sat up and rubbed her eyes lazily before them, it took a while for her eyes to adjust in sudden brightness.

"Oh you are up already. I was just about to wake you up." Soha said while handing Nandini a cup of warm coffee.

"Thanks." Nandini muttered with a smile before taking a sip of coffee.

"How are you going to go back?"Soha asked as Nandini stared the people running around with bags or other stuffs. Marriage was literally over.

"I don't know." Nandini uttered and shrugged her shoulders. She knew Soha asked her this because if the hell hadn't broken and everything was normal then she could have gone back with Manik as he was the one to drove her here but for now she desperately wanted to avoid him because her feelings were a mess right now.

And she really needed some time to sort them. She didn't know how she should fee. Should she be happy that the bet was just the beginning of Manik falling for her or she should curse him for agreeing to such a stupid bet. Not to forget he took her virginity too. Was that also part of the bet? Or was there really something between them during that time? And even if there was could she really overlook the fact that all that happened because a bet that she was dragged into without even knowing.

It was conflicting and her heart wasn't able to come to a decision. So she found it was better to avoid Manik till then. And she doubted she will be able to sort her heart out anytime sooner. It wasn't easy for her as he was her first. First in everything. First guy to kiss, first guy to go on dates with, first guy who showered her with gifts, first guy she sneaked out at nights with, her first boyfriend, her first boyfriend. First guy she gave her heart away to. Her first love.

She wondered all those night outs, dates, gifts all of that affection. How much of it was to win the bet? How much of was real? And her heart feared to know the answer. She wasn't ready for it. It was needless to say that it wasn't easy for her to get over it or to understand it all together. After all she was hurt by that one person she believed in most to trust him with her feelings. And when she got to know that it was all a play, all for show to make a fool out of her. For what? For a freaking bet!

And every time she is reminded of this fact, her eyes would turn glossy and cheeks would flare up in red making her sad and frustrated simultaneously. So yeah the point, she couldn't go with Manik. Then there was Aryaman but she couldn't be so selfish to ask him for a ride and make him spend all those hours in awkwardness with him. Could she? Off course it was a no.

"If you want I can drop you. I am going to the same way anyway." Soha proposed and at the moment Nandini felt like Soha had grew wings of angel.

"That's even better." Nandini giggled and got up from the bed to get ready.

"Did you see Aryaman?" Nandini questioned Soha. She felt like she needed to apologise to him for the shit he had to go through her.

"Yeah. He left early in the morning to catch to first train." that's when Nandini remembered that Aryaman hadn't brought his car instead he had come from train. Her face fell thinking if Aryaman woke up that early only to get away from here, from this mess, from her. She was upset that she didn't even get to properly apologise to him. Even though she had already said sorry to him a few time before but she knew no sorry was enough.

She just hoped time will heal him soon and they will somehow be able to revive their friendship. Although she knew it won't be same and there was even slimmer chance for them to get back to that crazy and strong friendship bond they once shared. So she was ready to settle with him even acknowledge her if they accidentally bump on a road. Even staying acquainted was enough at this point.

"Ohh..." Nandini mumbled in a low voice to Soha before taking out her clothes and going washroom to have a shower.

"It's okay Nandini things will turn out for good." Soha yelled from the other side as Nandini closed the door to the washroom behind her.

Starting shower she stood under it feeling refreshed as warm water washed over her. Her mind running in circles. She really wanted to believe Soha's words but were things really going to take a good turn. Will everything get better? She wasn't sure. But she was hopeful even if that hope was tiny bit still it was there.

After spending at least fifteen minutes Nandini came out of the washroom and got changed into a purple crop top and black jeans. After blowing her hair dry she decided to keep them open and walked out of the room to find Soha to tell her that she was ready to go. She had barely taken two or three steps out of the room when she found Manik coming, too much for avoiding. Luck had never been her side.

But what was shocking was the fact that Nandini was expecting Manik to say something and anything at that even if it would be a dumb remark but he said nothing. He just looked at her for few seconds with hurt and guilt glint in his eyes before he passed by her. Nandini didn't know what she wanted, something shattered inside her when Manik just walked away with saying anything, without trying. Without trying to explain himself again, without trying to hold her back.

Manik almost had cried at the sight of Nandini when he saw her. But he just passed by without uttering a single word. He had decided to walk straight but couldn't help his eyes from lingering at her as they crossed paths. He wanted to run to her embrace her and tell her to not leave him and that he was sorry for all the fucked up things he did. But looking at her face he felt like it wasn't the best time. He thought of respecting her choice and give her the much needed distance.

But that didn't mean he had given up. Nope, he hadn't. He was just holding himself back until he found that Nandini had sorted her feelings or at least was in right mind to listen to him. Because he knew yesterday was too much to digest. So he knew that Nandini must be a emotional wreck to understand him with a clear head.

And besides it was for himself too. He was too coward to face her just now after all of that. Maybe tomorrow, maybe some days later. But one day for sure he will stand in front of her confident yet again with his emotions upon his sleeves and nothing to hide. Soon when he will let go of his inner fears and she will be ready.

+ + +

So here is another update before my exams. Now I will update once I am done with them.  Why there is something like exam? People would have been happy without it right guys? Anyway hope you enjoy the update.

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