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The most hardest thing for Nandini was going to be to face Manik after what blunder she had done. Regardless of her being drunk yesterday night or not. She still didn't know how to confront the man and what for.

Like what could she possibly say. Her mind had short circuited and she couldn't think of any justifiable or at least convincing statement for her actions. For fuck's sake she couldn't comprehend it herself.

"We should forget it. Whatever happened yesterday. I mean you were drunk so were I. It was a mistake. Let's get past it, after all its a new day. New beginning. So, let's be cool about it and pretend like it never happened and be merry." Nandini was trying to come up with a speech as she dried her hair with the blow dryer.

"Look, I am sorry Manik. I was too wasted yesterday, I wasn't in my senses. What happened shouldn't have happened, frigging shit I shouldn't have come to your room to begin with. I just want to apologize for that. Can we go back to how we were before that?" yeah, go back to minding our own business and me hating you.

"Can we forget about it? It was a mistake. Let's act normal as if yesterday night never occurred. Arghh what the hell. I sound like a broken record. Come on Nandini, that's all you can think of with your brilliant excuse of a brain. Some true genius you are." she was getting frustrated.

Her coward self had no idea how she was going to step out to the room even let alone act normal. To pretend that yesterday night wasn't a big deal to her, damn, far fetched. When it was bugging her with no rest. Yesterday night's event were still fresh in her mind as she continued to reply them.

Would it be wrong to say that she liked it? Would it be so wrong to say that she wanted to devour the taste of his lips again? Would it be really so wrong, if she didn't regret the night. Sure, she regretted getting drunk. Shoot, she even felt like digging up a hole and burying herself for good rather than having to go through this embarrassment.

But she didn't hate what happened yesterday. In fact she was feeling butterflies in her stomach remising those moments- how he didn't took advantage of her when she had practically threw herself at him, how delicately he was creasing her cheeks, how tenderly his hands were wrapped around her waist and how feverishly he kissed her lips.

"Shut up, Nandini. Stop, drooling over it. You are not a crazy teenage girl who got asked out by her crush." but she couldn't help but squeal at the memory. To her all of it, all that time that she spent yesterday with Manik was unexplainable to her. She couldn't put her feelings into words. But still for the sake of putting it into some words that would at most half justify her feelings- it was sweet. Too sweet that it would give diabetes.

Nandini, you don't know the things I want to do to you right now.

It's torture to hold my self back.

But I love you. And I am not going to take advantage of you.

Those words were still ringing her head and she couldn't seem to stop it. And if the big smile on her face was an indication then she didn't even want to stop it. She would hate to admit it and she will freaking never agree to it on his face. But she wasn't in denial right now, she enjoyed it. If not loved.

And she knew it with no second thoughts. Nothing vague about it. It was as clear as daylight and she feared it. What if she would fall for him all over again? Like sure, he said sorry, but would a sorry cut all the shit she went through because of him? Would she be strong enough to forgive him and give him another chance?

A second chance at love?

Was she ready to take it?

She had no answer to that. Those questions were still the questions that she was searching answers for. Hope she will find it someday. Hope that, that someday will be soon. But what she knew now was that her feelings were a mess. Not that her feelings weren't twisted already but this mess was different from earlier.

Something had shifted about the way she felt about Manik. She hated his guts nonetheless but maybe with time. Just maybe, the days she had been spending with him- making the hate fade away little by little.

"But the bet." she remined herself. Sure, the bet to win her heart to break it. A bet just so that his friends and him could get a kick out of it. A bet just for a game. That bet was a dick move and that was the very reason why she couldn't forgive Manik but there was a but now.

"It kills me that it all started because of a damned bet, Nandini. But my feelings weren't a part of it. It is sick to think that way but would there really ever been a us if wasn't for that stupid bet. I am not saying it was the right thing to do but if that's what brought us closer then I will do it all over again in a heartbeat." Manik had said back then at the roof top and Nandini was to angry too understand it then. But now, maybe she did. Even if it was little, she could understand his fucked up reasoning now.

"Aishh! I don't know what to think anymore." Nandini groaned, by this point she was literally pulling her hair making a nest of them. 



"Nandini, come out. Breakfast is ready." Anjali yelled from the other side of door and Nandini turned blue. She had totally forgotten why she was having this monologue, she had yet to face Manik. And she was oh - so - not - ready for it. Her conscious had already bid bye to her.

"Gosh, I am so dead." Nandini muttered under her breathe, getting up to be ready to come across the monster himself all the while chanting prayers for a miracle to happen and give Manik amnesia so the boy would precisely forgot about yesterday night. Too specific but hey, she was talking about a miracle here. Knowing well she had no way out. It was going to be hell of a breakfast indeed.

+ + +

So here I am with another update. Hehehe isn't this one quicker then the previous one? By the way buckle up guys you all are up for a bumpy ride with lots of twists. Hope you missed this lazy author and this story.

Any thoughts about the chapter? Let me know in the comment section I love talking to you guys.

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