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"I came to tell you that we are doing barbecue so come out at the beach." without waiting for any kind of acknowledgement Nandini ran, at the speed of lighting making her way out of the room to the beach.

"That stupid moron should have never left the door open... Idiot, ugly piece of baboon." Nandini mumbled feeling her heart beating at a normal pace but her cheeks still a little warm. Now that she was away from him and his naked freaking hot body, she could finally breath.

She jogged to the team members and decided to help them with barbecue preparation. Partly to shake off the image of a certain someone's godlike body. Well she won't ever admit that out loud and right now she needed to take her mind off the oh - so - not - decent images burning in her mind. And to do just that she ran towards others, taking knife from the table she started to chop the veggies to well help the group and get herself busy too.

"Aren't these capsicum too small to put in skewer?" Nandini frowned at the words but when she looked down, she understood what her co-worker Vinita meant. She had cut capsicum into tiny pieces that were rather fit for a dish then barbecue which made her want to smack her head with pan. Nandini was just too lost, well she wasn't the one to blame tho.

"I am- I am sorry." she stuttered while staring at the capsicum pieces which could no longer be used. She fumbled with words as she dumbly tried to collect all those pieces and store them in a bowl with her face growing red with each passing minute.

"You okay?" Vinita asked while Nandini tried to avert her gaze and do anything but getting caught with her embarrassingly tomatoe like red face.

"Ahem- yeah I am fine. Actually better than fine hahaha. Do you smell something burning? I guess so. Why don't you check barbecue while I cut more stuff." Nandini waved her hand signaling Vinita to go so that Nandini could stop smiling like a maniac in front of her.

Nandini finally sighed in relief when she saw Vinita walking towards barbecue and away from her. After calming her rapidly beating heart beat, she got back to chopping vegetables for both barbecue and macaroni as she didn't want those tiny capsicum pieces to go to waste while humming a song.

"Let the party begin." Aditya shouted loudly while all of them occupied seats as the sizzling hot food was kept on the table. While everyone was chewing on the mouth watering dishes but two people were still awkward during the whole chaos.

Stealing glances but would look away when they would catch the other on looking back. It had been going on since Manik had came out to join all outside on the beach, finally with clothes on. Gulping down drinks, Manik and Nandini both were trying to ease the building up tension between them which others were oblivious of.

"Cheers...!!" glasses were clinked, hootings of excitement were heard and even though Nandini wasn't the one to drink carelessly yet she decided that it was better to let loose for once and drink without any worries.

And if you might ask why then it was simply because she was feeling as if she was at the edge whenever her eyes unintentionally would meet his. And it say the least it was making her anxious to the point that she literally felt like it was an absolutely amazing idea to drink the awkward tension away between Manik and her. So with no second thoughts her lips touched the rim of the plastic cup and she gulped down the sour content in one go, leaving a bitter after taste on her tongue.

"I never trust a narcissist. But they love me. So I play 'em like a violin. And I make it look oh so easy..." Aditya started singing out of blue in his slurred voice, well he tried to sing but the poor boy didn't know he sounded more like constipated.

"'Cause for every lie I tell them. They tell me three. This is how the world works. Now all he thinks about is me..." Nandini joined Aditya in his terrifying singing, clearly intoxicated after having down a few drinks in her system she was finally feeling free. Yeah a bit dizzy but free and not to mention giggling over anything and everything like some maniac as everything was spinning and was ridiculously funny for whatever reason.

While Nandini seemed to have best time of her life after having to deal with load of shit that life had been throwing at her. She was feeling good, the feeling of her brain having no thoughts of any betrayal of past, turmoil of present or the concern about her unclear future. I didn't care about it at the moment. All that been gone now somewhere at the back of her mind and she was in no hurry for it come back.

But Manik wasn't having it. While Nandini was trying to forget everything and live in the moment, Manik was busy glaring at someone precisely at that someone's hand which was resting on Nandini's shoulder. His eyes were boring holes where Aditya had kept his hand carelessly while side hugging Nandini, both totally wasted and practically yelling at the top of their lungs at this point.

"I can't stay here anymore." Manik muttered to himself, huffing angrily he stood up and without a word walked away from there. He was is no mood to watch Nandini giggle every now and then at Aditya's lame jokes or at his horrible sing neither he could put up with Nandini hit Aditya playfully with a smile never leaving her face. And all that was for what or to be exact for  whom, Aditya. He couldn't despise the fact anymore. He was desperate, desperate to be Aditya. To be at his place, near Nandini.

But the boy couldn't do anything about it and having no to plan to go back to his room just yet he ended up taking a stroll, after all the beach was looking breath taking at night with fading sound of ocean waves, cold sand covering his legs making him relax and calming his nerves with moon glistening the night sky and breeze gushing past his hair tousling his hair and making a mess out of it.

After feeling like he had walked far enough that  others were nowhere near his peripheral vision and a non-deliberate sigh escaped his lips, finally he won't have to bear annoyingly overjoyed brat aka Aditya. Finally he wouldn't have to see Nandini smiling because of someone else, at least for now. Deciding that it was enough of a walk for the day he sat down on the sand with a thump and dipped his feet into the cold sand with instantly made his stiffened self loosen up.

Tiny sand particles tickling his feet a little and leaving a cooling sensation, it felt good. He looked at his left where sat a bottle of whiskey which he picked up before ditching the so called party, the very bottle that he was so intrigued to mash someone's head with ahem - Aditya. Well whiskey was more valuable.

So instead he decided to make a better use of it which was looking at the waves crashing at a distance he brought the bottle to his lips and chugged it down while enjoying the view. Indeed a better use if not the best. Sure the things were going haywire but maybe he could let be for tomorrow and just listen to heart beating rhythmically with once waves. Even if just for a little moment, his heart felt at ease.

+ + +

Hehe so here I am with another update. Did you guys miss me? I hope you did.

College has been keeping me busy these days that's why the update got late but don't worry the content of upcoming chapters will make up for it. Hehehe. Enjoy.

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