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"Didn't you say you don't like someone else driving?" Nandini pointed out while glaring at Manik who was smiling sheepishly. She still wasn't over the fact that he had made her drive all the way to a restaurant when she was willing to bolt out of office for lunch and have some time for herself even if that would have been for a little while but that devil hadn't even let that happen.

Granted at the end she still had lunch at an awesome and needless to say an expensive resturant which was both bitter sweet for her. Because as much as she was thrilled about it yet she couldn't shake away the thought of how different their social status was. It reminded her how different their worlds were.

"Well someone that I don't know aka a stranger. But this driver isn't a stranger he had been my dad's driver ever since I was a kid. So I am comfortable. And besides Miss. Murty I told you I will pick you up so could I really come to pick you up with my still hurting hand. " Manik replied while fake groaning in pain.

"Oh okay." Nandini didn't say anything after that, she didn't really know what to say actually. Although it was too awkward for to people to be packed in a car and not say a word. Not to mention stare aimlessly if their eyes lock unconsciously.

So Nandini chose the easiest way to dodge the wired shrilling silence that was engulfing them.

She took out her ear phones, plugged them in and closed her eyes as the calming music started to block out any other outside voices. Her body started to relax and in no time she was in her own world as if no one was around her, as if right now she wasn't sitting with a person she hated with guts. As if it was only her here.

"How long did I actually sleep?" mumbled to her self as she opened her eyes and looked around when she felt some weight on her right shoulder. That was when her eyes landed there and she found Manik soundly sleeping with his head resting on her shoulder.

She stared at him noticing ever detail he did, how his nose would scrunch whenever he felt ticklish or like how his mouth was slightly apart and moreover how peaceful he looked while sleeping. Nandini never understood it how that arrogant jerk who is literally a reincarnation of satan looked so innocent like a baby. It was unreal.

Nandini's hand involuntarily reached out wanting to ruffle his hair but before her hand could even brush his hair, Manik opened his eyes. Nandini got startled the moment he looked at her. To say she was embarrassed or maybe shocked would be an understatement. She felt like she had dug a grave and threw herself in it that too willingly.

Her hand worked faster than her mind could process and the next thing we knew was that Manik was shoved away to the corner of the car literally his body being squished to the car door. The said man turned his head in question, not being able to comprehend the sudden attack. Only if he knew that someone was busy admiring his handsome face when he was snoring

"We are at the airport." and that was the queue for Nandini to run out to the car and save her ass from this unsettling feeling called awkwardness. Her cheeks were already tinted red while she fumbled with the door handle and hurriedly stepped out.

"Miss. Murty where do you think you are going?!" Nandini cursed luck and halted at her position when Manik called her. She hadn't even taken three proper steps yet let along escape and here she had to stay rooted with her mind screaming for her to make a run.

"Do you take me as your coolie?" Manik took one step forward with each word and by now Nandini could literally feel his breath fanning the nap of her neck, she just feel radiating warmth of his body behind her.

"Now get our bags." and all of a sudden the warmth was gone as Manik retreated back maintain some distance between them. Nandini turned so fast when his words sunk in her mind while Manik was enjoying her flustered state.

Nandini didn't say anything just stomped her foot before walking back to the car. The driver helped and took out the luggage, she held the bags after giving him a polite smile. After bowing to Manik the driver drove off while both of them stood there with their bags. Manik wore his sunglasses and started walking like he was on a ramp like some model making Nandini scrunch her nose at the over-dramatic man.

"We haven't even sat in Airplane and I have started to hate the idea already. Oh how I wished the arrogant jerk wouldn't have to come along then I could have enjoyed the trip to the fullest" but as usual luck wasn't at her side so here she was dragging their luggages behind Manik while he made his way to security checking area like he was some king who owned the world. That self obsessed idiot, Nandini thought and kicked her leg in air as if hitting him.

With boredom getting a toll on them finally they got done with checking after few dreadful minutes, even during that monotonously dull time both of them didn't exchange any words particularly because Nandini was just annoyed at him for his mere existence and Manik well he knew it was better to shut up for a while if he didn't want to die at such young age.

The announcement was made for boarding the plane so they got up from the waiting area and proceeded to go to plane. After checking their seats Manik didn't waste a second and made himself comfortable while Nandini dumped all the luggage at the made compartment for bags and then lazily slided next to Manik.

Plane was about to take off when Manik felt his hand being clutched tightly. First he stared the all too familiar small hand before glancing at the girl who had her eyes shut as her firm grip didn't waver at kept holding Manik's hand. Even though it wasn't first time that Nandini was sitting in a plane but still her fear for take off(s) and landings was still the same.

Whenever the plane would about to take off or land her stomach would start to turn into twists and she would feel uneasy as an unsettling fear would start to creep up to her heart making her unconsciously ball her fists or hold on to something and this time that something happened to be the guy she hated with passion but ironically he was the one right now who made her feel safe, who became her anchor.

Manik was quick to catch on the moment of panic Nandini was having so without uttering a word he just intertwined the hand Nandini was hold and started to rub soft circles at the back of her hand while whispering its okay and I am here every now and then which somehow actually made Nandini calm as she felt assured and her body relaxed under his touch.

+ + +

Hehe so here I am with finally another update. I wanted to update earlier but these days I am extremely busy. Anyways what is happening in your lives?

BTW I know I have already thanked you guys for 500+ followers on message board. But still its not enough no matter how many times I say this. You guys really mean a lot and I am very very thankful for all the support never have I ever thought that my stories will receive this much love tbh it feels so surreal.

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