twenty seven

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The soft glow of the television cast a warm ambiance as Nandini and Manik settled onto the couch for an impromptu movie night. The room was filled with the flickering light of the screen, creating the perfect atmosphere to bury your past that would only ever make one crumble into nothing when remembered.

After all, somethings are indeed better off forgetten.

And likewise Nandini didn't want to reminisce that time and make her wounds bleed again. And fortunately Manik understood that, he felt her plead to fing ignorance.

So, now here they were sitting in front of the television with Netflix on as they tried to decide on which movie to watch. Which well wasn't an easy feat to commit because as always these north pole and south pole had different suggestions.

"How about a Tom Cruise movie?" Manik retorted.

"Action movie?" Nandini asked with groan.

"Yeah? What's wrong with that?" the question hung in the air as Manik stared at Nandini challenging her to give even a single convincing reason. Nobody could say no to a good action movie, right?

"Well, it's just that I have no interest in watching some pointless - against - the - laws - of physics kind of movie." Nandini huffed with a duh tone as she was absolutely not up for an action movie.

"Okay madam okay. So you got any ideas?" Manik asked as the guy crossed his arms while rolling his eyes.

"I don't know may be something light-hearted? " Nandini suggested reluctantly as nothing else came to her mind.

Manik raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Light-hearted? I thought we were aiming for entertainment, not a nap."

The banter continued until they settled on a compromise—a horror movie. As they navigated through the movie options they finally agreed to watch The Nun.

The night continued with Nandini's occasional laughter, each scene in the movie becoming a catalyst for more jokes and shared amusement because the characters on the screen were just being plain stupid and were taking dumbest decisions which just made Manik and Nandini laugh harder. The genre was horror but it sure was a comedy for them.

As the movie continued to unfolded on the screen, capturing their attention with its plot. However, as the suspense built up, Manik, succumbing to the weariness that had eluded him earlier, found himself drifting into a peaceful slumber, the mysteries of the film forgotten in dreams.

Nandini, noticing Manik's transformation from an engaged movie watcher to a peaceful sleeper, couldn't help but chuckle. The movie played on, but her attention shifted from the screen to the snoring Manik beside her. The humorous contrast between the imposing giant and the snoring giant in repose was not lost on her.

Manik's snores became a comical soundtrack to the unfolding movie. Nandini seized the opportunity to engage in a one-sided commentary, sharing mock commentary with the unconscious Manik. She whispered, "And here, our hero faces the toughest challenge of all—staying awake through the climax."

Unbeknownst to Manik, his mid-movie slumber became the source of Nandini's amusement. Her laughter echoed in the room, a harmonious accompaniment to the mysterious movie playing on the screen.

As the plot took a darker turn and the suspense heightened, Manik's occasional snore added an unintentional comedic element. Nandini, enjoying the unexpected humor of the situation, couldn't resist snapping a few more photos of the snoring giant beside her.

Manik's gentle snoring provided a comforting soundtrack, and the soft glow of the TV continued to paint the room in a muted, ethereal light. Nandini, nestled into the warmth of the couch, found herself captivated not only by the movie's unfolding plot but by the unexpected serenity that Manik's slumber brought to the scene.

As the characters on the screen faced their challenges, Nandini's mind wandered further into the labyrinth of memories. The gentle hum of the movie became a backdrop to her own reflections, a soundtrack to the untold stories etched into the tapestry of her and Manik's intertwined lives.

The room, now filled with a sense of tranquility, felt like a sanctuary of shared laughter and unspoken understanding. Nandini couldn't help but think about the subtle nuances that defined her relationship with Manik. From their initial clashes to the unexpected camaraderie that had evolved, each interaction had woven its own thread into the fabric of their connection.

A gentle breeze filtered through the slightly open window, carrying with it the distant sounds of the night. Nandini's eyes lingered on Manik, his peaceful expression illuminated by the glow of the TV. The juxtaposition of his imposing stature with the vulnerability of sleep created a tableau of contrasts that intrigued her.

As the movie reached its climax, the characters finding resolution to their fictional struggles, Nandini felt a quiet satisfaction settling over the room. The shared gaze between her and the slumbering Manik hinted at a silent understanding—an acknowledgment that, in the midst of life's uncertainties, there were moments of stillness and connection that held immeasurable value.

The TV's glow persisted, casting elongated shadows on the walls, and the night outside continued its gentle symphony. Nandini, now lost in a myriad of thoughts, found herself contemplating the unwritten chapters of her and Manik's story. The night, initially embarked upon as a simple movie night, had transformed into a chapter of reflection and introspection—a cornerstone in the evolving mosaic of their relationship.

Nandini, ever watchful, observed the transformation. The formidable Manik, who had faced down both human and insect adversaries alike, now appeared vulnerable in the embrace of sleep. A smirk tugged at the corners of Nandini's lips as she marveled at the unexpected charm of Manik snoring softly, reminiscent of a hibernating bear.

Unable to resist the urge to capture this amusing sight, Nandini reached for her phone. As she fumbled to snap a photo, she couldn't help but giggle at the strange symphony of sounds emanating from Manik's snores. It was a unique composition, somewhere between a grumbling bear and a kitten's purr.

The camera click momentarily disturbed the silence, but Manik remained blissfully unaware, lost in the dream world. Nandini glanced at the photo, smiling at the amusing contrast it presented. The juxtaposition of the tough, imposing Manik and the snoring giant created an unexpected narrative that she knew would be a source of amusement in the future.

Nandini had chuckling to herself while trying to muffle her laughter when her eyes fell the scar again and how it was illuminating under the soft night light. It became a focal point of her contemplation. It wasn't merely a physical mark; it was like a constant reminder for her as to how her life was turned into hell. Just the thought of it tightened her chest and she felt as if she couldn't breath no more. She felt suffocating.

The night seemed to unfold in slow motion, each passing minute carrying a weight of significance. Nandini's thoughts delved deeper into the intricacies of relationships—how shared laughter could bridge gaps, how vulnerability could be a bridge to understanding, and how scars, physical or otherwise, were the reason she was holding herself back.

"That's why I hate wearing short sleeves." Nandini mumbled to herself as she bit her lip and tried to pull her sleeve to cover her scar.

+ + +

Here the next update. As I had disappeared for some time so I thought that I should at least give you guys double update. Hope you liked it. And btw I am almost done with the next chapter too so it will be posted within few days and then everything regarding manan's past will be cleared up.

So what is your favorite color guys? Mine is purple. (btw I have decided to ask random questions at the end of the chapters so we can interact, get to know each other and just have a fun time you know)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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