The End of Hayes and Gabby

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~Gabby's POV~

Heres what was in the letter.........

Dear Hayes,

I'm going to start off with this.... there is the saying people like that says 'If you love something set it free, if it comes back then its turly yours'. Hayes in our love story there are ups and downs but mostly ups and now the story needs to come to an end. I never told you this but that very first day of school when you were my 'tour guide' was one of the best days of my whole life for many reasons like you being so nice and kind and another was that me being who i am--was I would speend hours on YouTube and i would watch a hand full of people and one of those people happened to be you and I would 'study' you and your family in the hopes of meeting you one day, but i never emagend that i would be your girlfriend and that we would be inseperatable. Now i need you to promise me you wound hurt yourself and that you wont do anything stupid because the last thing i want to hear is that you hurt yourself or did something stupid. Now i know you love me and i love you aswell, but its time to let you go and i don't want you to come back to me i don't want you to speend your day slooking for me.I didnt want to tell you this because i wanted to make us work but my mom got a job offer out of state, and we have to move, she told me about it two days ago and so we are moving in a week before break is over. I really do love you with all my heart, but we have to break up. I want you to know that one day in the next  7 years i will come back to Californa and i hope to see  that your dream has come ture adn that you havent waited for me to come back. This hurts me to say this but Hayes Grier i turly love you but i need to be strong for the both of us i need you to be okay for you and your family and for me. I also want you to know that i will talk to Maria often and i want to hear that you are doing great. I love you and i want you to keep in mind but not to obsess over it but  I want our thing to be "Stay Strong and Move On". This is want i need you to do for me if not for you plz let it be for me. Love, Gabby (Forever in your heart and mind, but don't waste your time waiting for me)

Once i got done writing this i gave it to Nash and huged him and told him to giv Sky my number and to have her call me for anything because i loved that little girl she was the little i never had. I got out of the car and went to the door Nash was still siting in the drive way probaly maing sure i get in side okay. I stoped at the step to teh front door and sat down and lened up agants the door and looked down at my cast and say the thing Hayes had wrote "I Love you even though your broken" with at heart around it and then i started crying. Nash got out of the car and came and sat next to me and hugged me. "Nash, I need you to make sure Hayes will be okay" I say to Nash "Anything for you Gabby'' Nash says to me as he helps me inside and up to my room. I sit on my bed and Nash makes sure im okay and i said "Yes" then he left.

~6am that same day~

I stayed awake just looking at the pic that Maria took of Hayes and I after the football game befor Haye stook a shower and was stiil at durty and sweaty. I loved that pic it was the only pic i had of Hayes that i was willing to always keep in my room. I just desited to face that fact that i was not going to sleep anytime soon an dso i went down stairs where Hazle was and made popcorn and put it on the stand infront of the couch and didnt tuch it and layed on teh couch starring at it and crying for about an hour untill i cryed myself to sleep.

~12pm that day~

I woke up from my sleep and say that i had 120 missed calls from Hayes and 120 voice mails from him. They all sai dthe same thing "Gabby, i love you i dont want you to leave you can live with my family and i at my house plase dont move dont leave i love too much." It got to much to where i just putt my phone down and closed my eyes. After about 20 mins my phone rang but this time it was Sky. it was a text she said that Hayes hasnt came out of his room  in hours. I called Nash and asked him what the heck was going on with Hayes and he told me that he was in his room crying and that he trye dto get into Hayes's room to get him to come out but when he went inside his room there was pics from the trip we just took all over the place and that Hayes was looking at a pic of me and him at the football game the one that i loved. I tols Nash to put me on speaker phone and just to walk to Hayes's door and walk in so that i could tell Hayes  something. Once Nash told me he was in Hayes room and that he was listening i said to Hayes this "Stay Strong and Move On". Then i hung up befor he could repliy to what i said. After all of this is was 1pm and it was time to start loading the boxed and beds and everything in the moving truck. We were only moving to Washington. Becaus ei couldn't help i just sat in the car looking at the Football game pic and huging it and just trying not to cry. Once we got everything packed and was on the road i told my mom we had to make a stop at to places one at Maria's house then at Hayes's house. We went to Hayes's first because he lived closer i got out of the car and went inside i didnt knock because i didnt want Hayes to hear. I walked up stairs and said good bye to Sky and the to Nash and then as i was about to pen the door Hayes opened his door and say me.

~Hayes's POV~

I heard somone walking past my door so I opened my door and to my surprise I saw Gabby. "Gabby" I said walking well running down the stepts. It was Gabby. "Were you just going to leave and not say goodbye to me?" I asked her. "Hayes I just can't the letter was your goodbye." she told me. "So thats how us became you and I, throw a letter?" I asked her. She grabs my hand off her sholder and says "Look Hayes I love you and I explaned everything in the letter there is nothing more I can say, goodbye '' She then turned back around and opened the door but before she could step out I spun her around and kissed her. She must have not wanted it to stop because we kissed for like 5 minutes. Then I stoped and said "To remember me by'' Once I said that she kissed me again and then said "We're still broken up, goodbye now Hayes". She turned around and walked to the car and drove away. I didn't know if she was going to be back in the summers or anything but that was the last I heard from her.

~Gabby's POV~

I left Hayes and went and said good bye to Maria and Hayden happened to be there whitch was good. I told them to keep a good eye out for Hayes and to tell me about him everyday I wanted to keep in the loop of everything. After saying goodbye to Maria and Hayden it was time to get on the road to Washington. My  plan was to have no contact with him at all but only with Nash, Sky, Maria and Hayden because I needed them to keep close eyes on Hayes for me to make sure he doesnt do anything stupid.

Hayes, Gabby, Maria, and Hayden. (Hayes Grier Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now