Sleepover at Boyfriends? and First Kiss!

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~Gabby's POV~

Hayes called Nash and I stood there so upset about what had happend. I am hated for loving Hayes, I am hated for being with him I should just break up with him mean we only have this year next year and three more years after that untill I move to Ohio and go to OSU.

We get back to his hous and i go take a shower. When i was done takeing my shower i walk out into Hayes room and saw that he layed out this pair of sweat pant and a T-shirt. I am in the middle of dressing when i hear a knock on the door "Come in" i say as I hide behide the shirt. Then Hayes sister waks and and says "HI". She asked me why i was sad and I said " I'm being hurted because i am with Hayes". She looked at me and gave me a sad face and the left. I finished getting dressed and then walked down staris.

~Hayes POV~

I called Hayden when we got back and while Gabby was in the shower and talked to him. We talked and i told him, that i really like Gabby and that I know she loves me but she has been getting hate for it and i want her to feel loved not hated and that i think i should breack up with her and that this was too soon so that she wount get more hate if i would break up with her and she wount have to break up with me if she was thinking about it. I then layed out a pair of sweats and the T- shirt i was wearing when we first met, then i walked back down stairs. A few min. latter Sky was going up stairs and knocked on my door i felt like it was ok because i heard Gabby say "Come in". A few min. latter Sky came down stairs and said that Gabby was crying so i walked up staris and knocked on the door, i didnt hear anything but a soft little cry from the room so i walked in and saw Gabby on the bed laying down crying. Then we talked,

ME- Gabby, babe why are u crying/

Gabby- Hayes, I-I I think that we should br-

Before she was able to finish what she was saying i kissed her on the lips so romanticly. It was of first kiss.

~Gabby POV~

Hayes kissed me i knew he knew what I was going to saw and that i was sad becaues i didnt want to but I'm tired of being hated because im going out with him but i love im so much it hurts be to eaven think to say that we should break up.

Me- Hayes i love you but im tired of being hated for being with u

After i finished what i said I got up and walked away i grabed my phone off the kitchen counter and started to walk home i started to run at first so that i would be too far for Hayes to come after me and then I started walking into the woods by his house he had gave me a sweater that i had took to and so i layed on the floor of the wood and looked at the stars. I feel asleep and then was waken up when i heard a sound. It was only Hayes i didnt know how he found be but im glade it was him and not someone else. We talked and talked and talked and all we talked about was us and what was going to happen with us. He said that we would be together and that no one could stop that and im glade he said what he said. I love Hayes Grier so much.

Hey, sorry that this is posted today and not yesterday I have had some family problems and school has been a pain so I tryed to make this a bit longer then my others but I didn't really but in the chapters I have coming up are going to me amzing. Hope u liked this chapter.


Hayes, Gabby, Maria, and Hayden. (Hayes Grier Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now