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Chapter 3

         After you talked to the manager, both you and Rick leave the office and the building. 

        "Hey Rick..." He turns around and looks in your eyes. "Thanks." He smiled.

        "For what?" He smirked and you turn really red. "I'm just kidding, it's no problem. I couldn't let a pretty girl get hurt on the first day on the job." You turn even more red. "I'll see you tomorrow morning." He turns around and walks to his car, then drives off, you just stand and stare.

        "Is dis wut luv feel wike?" You say in a childish voice, then laugh. You walk over to your car and climb in, gotta go tell your mom about the shifts being different.


        You just arrived at your mother's place and you see Danny run out and run towards you. "Mommy, you're home!" He smiles and jumps and you catch him.

        "Hey there, sugar." You smile and carry him inside. "Mom!" You see your mom run down the steps. You start to speak.  "Hey, I've got to tell you something. My shifts were changed to the day. So I won't be able to visit as often." She frowned and looked at Danny.

        "I understand. I wish his dad was still here." You start getting a little angry; your mom always brings Jonah up every chance she gets. Jonah is Danny's father and a pig, cheated on you and left for another girl as soon as you figured out that you were pregnant with Danny.

        "You know I don't like it when you bring Jonah up." You give a look at your mother. "I'm gonna go home, I'm really tired, I'll pick him up whenever get a day off." Mom nods and you leave the building. "Bye Danny, I love you!" He smiles and waves, then starts to play with his plastic truck.

You walk to your car and climb in, you start to head home.


        As soon as you walk into your place, you quickly go into the bedroom and sleep, you've been up for 24 hours straight, except for the little nap you had with Rick. But that was only 1-2 hours.

        You wake up and it's already 6pm and you feel wide awake. You go into the kitchen and make yourself some dinner, grilled cheese sandwiches. As soon as you sit down to eat, your apartment phone rings. You set aside your dinner and answer the phone.

"Hello?" You hear a deep breath.

"Hey, is this (Y/N)?"

"Yes, why?"

        "It's Ricky, I got your number from work." You immediately get butterflies in your stomach and your heart starts to beat faster. "I was wondering if you would like to go out for dinner tonight?" You quickly blush and smile.

"I would love to." You can hear a silent 'yes' in the background.

        "Great, I'll pick you up at eight." You give him your address and you hang up. You look at the phone, 6:30 and he said dress really nicely. You run into your bedroom and pull out your expensive black dress and black heels. You throw it on, showing off your curves and your assets. You curl your hair and put on makeup, then your perfume. Vanilla, yummy.

        You walk into the living room and check the time, 7:57. Perfect timing. You look at the grilled sandwiches and just look at them. You grab them and set them in the fridge, you can have them some other time. You walk back into the living room and you hear the door knock. You walk up to the door and open it, seeing Ricky in a suit and tie with his hair done.

        You both just stare at each other for a little bit until he spoke. "Y-You look amazing." You blush up and he steps aside. "Let's go." You both walk to his car and climb in.


        He pulls up to really fancy restaurant and he gets out and opens the door for you. He grabs your hand and helps you get out of the car. You never felt this respected, especially with Jonah, he never done anything like this.

"Thank you." He smiles and you both walk inside and walk up to the lady in uniform.

        "Table for two?" You both nod and she shows you both to your seat. "Order when you're ready." She hands both of you a menu and walks off to another table.

"I think I might have pasta." You say as you put down your menu.

        "Same." He puts his down and looks at you. "So, tell me. How are you liking work?" You couldn't help but laugh a little bit.

        "Bit scary at night but I think the day shift will be fine. What's it like in the day shift?" You put your jaw on your hand and lean forward towards Rick.

        "Well, it's the same as the night shift, just with kids and no killer robots." He chuckles. "Hey… I've seen Danny on the camera before but I've never seen the father. That and you're going out for dinner with me, why?" He also leans closer to you. You look at the table.

        "He never really had a father, like I said last night. I announce that I was pregnant to me but unfortunate had news… bad new for me. He was seeing another woman and because I was pregnant, he chose her over me." You look back up at him. "But that's okay, I saw who he really was. A pig." You laugh and look around for the waitress. "I don't know about you but I'm starving."

"Same." He smiles and so do you.


After dinner, he paid and both of you guys walk to the car and climb inside.

"I had a really good time, thank you. I really needed that." He smiles at you.

"Me too." He looks back at the road and drives you home.

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