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Chapter 5

Your shift finally ended and so did Ricky's. Ricky walks into the security room and grabs your arm.

        "Let me drive you home tonight." You nod, trying not to go crazy. He continues to hold your hand as you both leave the hell-hole of a building. He walks you to his car and helps you get into it. After a minute, he opens the door for you and walks you to your apartment.

        "You can come inside, if you like." He smiles and enters the small home. "It's not much but its good enough." You try to smile but it wouldn't happen, not with what happened today.

"Are you alright?" He gets really close and hugs you. You start to tear up.

        "I'm just scared." You say without moving a muscle in your body. "Please, don't leave me tonight. I don't think I could be alone."

"Of course I'll stay." You guys just stand in the middle of the room, holding each other. "I'll stay."


It was already getting late and both you and Ricky are getting hungry.

"What do you want to eat, I have some Ramen or we could-" Ricky cut you off.

        "I'll order Chinese." He smiled at you and grabbed the phone. "My treat." You smile and thank him. "What do you want to do while we wait?" You shrug.

        "Wanna watch a movie?" He nodded and both of you sit on the couch, not touching at all. "You know we're adults right?" You give him a weird look.

"Duh, I know." You chuckle. "Why did you say that?"

        "You don't need to be so innocent like a child!" He put his arm around you and pulled you in closely. "That's more comfortable." You blush really hard.

        "Play the movie already." He grabs the remote and presses play while looking into your eyes the whole time. He puts his hand on your leg and leans in closely, you do the same.


        You both look at the door. "WHY AT THE GOOD PART!?" Ricky screamed at himself, you laugh at his remark.

        "Well, you're the one who ordered the food." You stand up from the couch and head for the door. When you open it, a man is there with the food, you receive it and pay for it, and carry it to the kitchen table. "Come eat food." Ricky stood up and walked over to the table.

        "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" He took the bag of food and took half of it out. "This is my half." He slowly walked back to the couch and watched the movie while eating.

        "At least wait for me!" You take of the food, walk to the couch, and start eating while watching the movie.


After eating, the movie, and cleaning, you take a shower and get ready for bed.

        "(Y/N)?" You turn around to see Ricky in only his underwear. "I'm gonna hop in the shower but , um, where am I gonna sleep tonight?" You kind of stand there for a minute, you didn't want him to sleep on the couch, but you didn't want to say 'my bed' out loud. "That's okay, I know where." He smirks, grabs a towel, and goes into the bathroom.

        You climb into your bed and try to sleep but you can hear Ricky singing in the shower, it's not that good either, and the noise doesn't help you sleep. A few moments later, Ricky walks in his boxers and climbs in the bed.

"What are you doing?" You sit up and stare at him.

        "Scoot over." With hesitation, you scoot over, giving him room. You lay back down and he wraps his arms around you. "Good-night."



        It's been an hour and Ricky is snoring but you couldn't sleep. Bonnie's and Chica's voices kept replaying in your head and the blood is constantly coming back to remind you. You fall asleep but keep waking up because of it. But you keep trying, and trying, and trying. Eventually do when you look at Ricky. His face. It shuts off the nightmares and gives off a melody. Helping you sleep.

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