Day Of Fun.

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Chapter 15

(A/N, I like the song and it describes the Mike perfectly. Kind of, I think; I just love the song.)

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! WAKE UP!" You sit up quickly, slightly dizzy, and see Mike's face.

"What?" He smiled and sat on the bed.

        "We're going out today, get ready!" He jumped and ran out of the room. You just sat there, not prepared for this.

        Mike runs back in. "WE'LL GO TO YOUR PLACE SO YOU CAN GET DRESSED AND STUFF!" He giggles and runs out again.


        Mike drove you home and both of you walk inside so you could ready, you showered, brushed your hair and teeth, shaved your legs and pits, put on makeup, and got into a tight grey shirt and short jean shorts. When both of you started leaving you put on your grey flip flops, you felt well today.

"You look really pretty today." Both of you turn red.

        "Thanks." It was quiet for a moment. "So, where are we going." He looked at you with a happy, childish look.

        "It's a surprise!" He smiles greatly. It was perfect, he looked so perfect; his white t-shirt, jeans sandals, his messy black hair and sweet cologne. Both of you walk to his car, he pulls out, and he blasted on music.


        "Okay, keep your eyes closed." You had your eyes shut tightly, Mike had both of your hands and was pulling you into a direction. "Almost there." You could hear his happiness in his voice. "Okay, you can open your eyes."

        You quickly open them, you see a huge amusement park, your favorite one. You jump and cheer. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" You run up to Mike and hug him tightly. "I haven't been here in forever!" You grab his hand and run to the ticket stand, pulling Mike the whole way.


        You both enter and start to look for rides to ride on. "How about… that one?" You point at the big roller coaster. Mike nods.

"Let's do it." You both walk forward but were quickly greeted by a picture man from the front gate.

        "Hi guys, welcome! Would you like to take picture so it could last forever!" He smiled. You both nod and smile. He took the first photo. "Okay, one more, this time a kiss on the cheek!" Both of you turn red.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not dating her."

        "Oh, what a shame, you to would be a cute couple." You turn bright red. "Okay, how about arms crossed." You both cross your arms and he took a photo. "You can get your photo at the picture shop, it's straight down there across from Starbucks." He hands you a little ticket, you take it and put it in your purse.

"Thank you!" You smile and both of you walk off, towards the roller coaster.


The man strapped you and Mike in the sit. Then check if everyone had there sit strapped down, then started the ride. The coaster started moving.

"Hey (Y/N)." You looked at him, his face was full of fear.


        "I have a confession." He looked at you. "I'm afraid of heights." You want to hit him and laugh but at the same time you felt bad, you guys were going up the highest roller coaster in the park. You saw him start to sweat and he started screaming. You grabbed his hand and he kept squeezing it in fear. The coaster was on the peek of the first hill, Mike lost it. "OH MY GOD, HOW THE HELL IS SOMEONE SUPPOSE TO LIVE THROUGH THIS!" It stayed there for a moment. "GO DOWN DAMMIT, I DON'T WANT TO SEE HOW FREAKING HIGH I AM!" You couldn't help but laugh. It went down, Mike kept screaming, you were laughing. As the ride kept going, Mike kept screaming and squirming. When it finally was to an end, he quickly unbuckled himself and hopped off and ran away from the ride.

You follow him and he looks at you. "Let's not ride the bigger rides." You smile and nod.

"Why would you ride that if you're afraid." He smiled.

"Well, I thought I could face my fears but I just sounded like a baby." You giggle

"It's fine, let's go."


        After hours and hours of fun, you both start to head out, but you find the photo shop. "Hey, let's get the photo!" He smiles and both of you head for the shop.

        "Hi, welcome!" You pull out your ticket. "A picture, alright." The lady scanned it and both pictures came up, both of you guys looked really good. You look at the second picture, both of you guys were red but Mike was staring at you as you blush at the camera.

"I'll take that one." You point at it. "I like it."

        "That'll be 5 dollars." You pull out a 5 and hand it to the lady. She prints out the picture and puts it in a cheap frame and hands it to you.

"Thank you, have a good evening." You smile and walk away with Mike.


You both hopped in the car.

"I had a great time, thanks Mike, I really needed it!" He looked at you.

"I did to." He turns on the car and pulls out. "Do you want to stay at my place or something?"

"If I can get stuff from my place first?" He nodded and starts heading to your place.


        He pulled up to the driveway and drops you off, you go inside your apartment, you grab your pj's, uniform, toothbrush, and perfume. You run back into the car and he goes to his place. When you hop back into the car, you look at him. He was smiling, trying to pull out of the driveway. Then it clicks in your mind, you saw him scared, protective, soft, angry, sad, supportive, pretty much everything. You look at him again, in your heart, you knew what you wanted, and it wasn't Ricky anymore, it was Mike.


He drives to his place and both of you walk inside.

"Mike." He turns around and looks at you.


        "I…" The words wouldn't come out. "Do you…?" You start to turn red but the words wouldn't come out, you started to get frustrated but couldn't show it. "I really…" He giggled and walked up to you.

"What is it?" He smiled and stared at you.

        "The way you were looking at me, in the photo…" You really didn't want to finish the sentence but there was no choice. "Do you like me?" You felt like child.

        Both of you stood there, bright red. "Y-Yes." Your stomach flutters and your heart start pumping faster. "D-do you feel the same way about me?"

"Yes." Both of you stood there, not knowing what to do. You kept staring at each other.

"I'm done with this silence." Mike said then stormed up to you, smashing his lips onto yours.

If only the camera man could take a shot at this.

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