Staying The Night.

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 Chapter 17

The day flies by quickly, as you stay in the kitchen, desperately you try to find any other clue, but what you gathered from the horrifying glimpse of what seemed to be of the lost kids, you know they've been murdered and stuffed in a suit, including Danny, knowing this fact makes you cry. You could imagine his pain and suffering, the confusion and anger. Only if you knew who did this. If only you knew.

With all these thoughts in your head, you keep loosing focus at the task and just stand there, thinking. Did this person leave or is this person next to you? You didn't know and the thought of it frightened you, five kids, dead, and it happened right under everybody noses. You somehow felt like it was your fault, you weren't there to protect the kids when they needed it most, and you were paid to protect them.

"(Y/N), it's an hour past your shift, why can't you go home?" You turned and see Mike, trying to convince you to leave.

"I will not leave, not even if those things come after me, but they should be gone, since we are moving and everything." You tried to convince him.

"I know but, you're gonna be so tired and I sure you are now. Why can't you come home?" You felt angry, you already told him before, you saw Danny and you wanted to find him, even if it meant not ever coming home.

"I've told you, I saw Danny! I saw him, he's in Toy Bonnie." That's when it clicked, he's in Toy Bonnie. You quickly run to the main stage, nobody was here since it was near closing time, and you drag him behind the curtains. You start to whisper. "I'm gonna get you baby, even if it hurts me." You start tugging on the head but the bolts wouldn't come loose.

"What are you doing sweetheart?!" You turn, it was Ricky, even though you were caught, you didn't se in trouble or in panic.

"Trying to tear this head off!" You keep tugging and tugging, it didn't even come apart at all.

"It's not gonna work if you use your hands, you need a machine, and does it look like we have a machine." You shook your head but you kept trying.

"I will get this open." You continue to tug.

"Why do you want it off anyways?" You froze, you weren't exactly sure how to put it, but you do realize, you could trust him, just not when he's angry.

"This is going to sound crazy, but I saw Danny not long ago, he's inside this suit!" He just stared at you, wide eyed.

"How do you know if he's in there?" He stepped closer, looking really nervous.

"Like I said, I saw him!" Ricky got angry.

"There's no point in trying, even if he's in there, he's dead! Why would you want to see his corpse!?" It felt like a slap in the face, a hit in the face, harder than any punch you've received by Ricky.

"I just want a piece of mind." He clearly saw pain in your eyes, but tried to act like he didn't care. "I think about Danny every night. I cry about it all the time, thinking, what the hell ever happened to him?! I try to tell myself he ran away but I know he didn't, he would've came back home. And every time I tell myself he's okay and breathing, voices in my head stop myself and tell me that he's not. Then I think about how?" You were balling by this point. "Was it painful or simple? Himself or a stranger? My fault or theirs?" Ricky just stood there. "I want to look inside this animatronic, I just want to have a piece of mind. Is this selfish to ask?"

Both of you just stood there. "No." He looked down. "I'll go get the tools." He walked off and walked away, you continued to tug until Ricky returned.


Ricky came back with a bunch of tools, they looked very oddly shaped and really weird. "Let's get started." He pulls out a tool and start unwiring the head, you just stand and stare, wishing he would go faster. "There." You bend over and look inside the the suit. Nothing. Nothing was inside it, is was so clean.

"W-what?" You felt really disappointed but a bit happy, you didn't see a dead child, at the same time. "Danny even told me!" You get up and start kicking the suit in anger! "WHY DONT YOU JUST BREAK YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" Ricky grabbed you and pulled you away from the suit.

"Calm down, you look tired. Why don't you just come home, you can stay at my place." You look at him, offended a little bit.

"No. I'm staying here." You push him off of you and start to walk back to the kitchen, hoping their would be no clues. You hear know the back, fixing Toy Bonnie.


You just sit. You sat in the center of the kitchen, you weren't looking anymore. You were starving, but there were no more material left, you were thirsty, but the water was shut off, due to the move, and you were tired, but the floor was cold and hard. So, you just sat.

"(Y/N)?" You look up, it was the manager. "What on heavens are you doing here?" There was no way of explaining it. "Go home!" You stand up and start to walk out. As soon as you stepped out of the kitchen, yo hear the manager talking to someone. "Okay, she's gone."

"Good." You heard footsteps and the voice sounded like Ricky. "She knows." You cock your head.

"What do you mean 'she knows'?"

"(Y/N)! She starting to get the idea of our... secret." You get closer to the door, hoping to hear better.

"You mean with the animatronics." It was silent for a moment. "FUCK! How did she find out?"

"Well, she doesn't know exactly, apparently earlier she heard her son, Danny. Saying he was in Toy Bonnie. He is." Your heart sunk.

"Damn it Ricky."

"It wasn't my fault! She wanted t look inside, fortunately it was empty, I'm guessing the animatronic cleaned itself out." You heard someone exhale loudly, assuming the manager.

"Damn, you know business is bad, this is just making it worse."

"Sir, I only need one more." You couldn't move, you knew exactly what happened.

"What? Why?"

"Golden Bonnie." You heard footsteps, like pacing.

"This is the last one Ricky! Then no more! This is hurting us and our reputation!" Ricky chuckled.

"Don't worry sir, we are moving, do we will have a new start and I'll be more careful, promise." You've heard enough, you turn and run out if the building. You just couldn't believe it, you just heard to men talk about murder. They're going to kill one more, you've got to watch Ricky no matter what happens.


You walk home. You didn't want to talk to people, you were just tired of them. As soon as you hit the bed, you cried. You now knew what happened to Danny, he was stuffed into a robotic suit and died slowly.

The thought of it made you sick.

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