Surprise Night Shift.

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Chapter 14

You lay there, on the office floor. Mike laying next to you, Ricky and the manager arguing.

        "Ricky! I told you not to do something like this again!" Mike and Ricky kept fighting, unfortunately, Ricky won resulting in physical contact with you to.

"I'm sorry, but you know how I can get." Ricky and the manager kept arguing but you black out.


        You wake up still in the office, you sit up. It was quiet and Mike was also knocked out, he was lying next to you. You look around, no Ricky. "Mike." You start to shake Mike. "Mike, wake up." He groans and opens his eyes slowly, his blue eyes shooting tight into yours.

"What time is it?" You look around, trying to find a clock.

"I don't know." He sits up quickly.

        "Shhh, it could be night." Your eyes widened and you crawl under the table. Mike follows you. "I'm gonna check the time, there's one on the tablet." He quietly gets up and grabs the tablet, then crawls under the table and joins you. "It’s night." You both look at each other.

        You cover your head with your hands and curl up into a ball. "We're going to die, why are we even here?" You start to rock back and forth.

        "Calm down. We're going to be fine. Just don't make noise; I'm not sure if they know that we're here." You stare at Mike. You notice his dark hair, flipped upwards in the front, and his whole body, perfect and fit. You blush and continued to check him out, even  though you're in horrible circumstances. No, not with Mike. You've had horrible experience, first Jonah. Bum who couldn't help out, then Ricky, freaking hurts you, if you fall for Mike, you're sure something would happen.

"What are we going to do?" You say as you scoot yourself up from the curled position.

        "Well, it's 4 am, I don't think they know we're here, so stay quiet." You nod. "Also, there's an exit that's unlocked. If one of us can go, we could both leave. However, whoever goes first is going to have to distract those bots. I think I'll-"

"I'll go." You say instantly. "I can distract you and you can leave." You smile.

"No. I don't wan-" You cut him off.

        "Listen, I've lost my son, boyfriend, husband, and the rest of my family in under 2 years. I honestly don't care anymore, if one of us is going to… go, it's me." Mike couldn't respond, he wanted to but no words came out. "Glad you could agree." You stood up slowly.

        "Wait." You turn around. "Take this." It was a talkie walkie. "I'll watch you and tell you where they are." You nod, take the talkie, and turn back around. You walk into the hallway, very slowly. You noticed how creepy this hallway really is. The posters look demotic and the walls looks like they're going break somehow.

        "So far you're clear." You could hear a muffled voice through the talkie. "Go past the bathroom and to your left." You try your best to get through the darkness; you have to use your ears for your eyes. You start to use your hands to help lead your way forward, trying your hardest to make it to the bathroom. You grab the walkie.

"How close am I?"

"Nearly there, keep going straight." You do as he says. "Wait." You freeze.

"What?" You turn your head and hope you don't see something but hope nothing is there.

"Never mind, keep going." You felt relieved and kept going forward.


        You finally reach it towards the door, however, as soon as you made it, you bump into the door, making it hit the wall, making a huge bump. "(Y/N?)" You look around then at the talkie.

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