4th Child, Gone.

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Chapter 11

        You woke up, next to Ricky. His face looked so innocent. You couldn't help but caress it, then kiss his lips.

        "That was nice." You jump a little, wasn't expected him to be awake. He opened his eyes and pulled you close. "Do it again, I dare you." His morning voice was HAWT! You smile and kiss him again, this time you both start making out.


        You finally get up and get in the shower, after you wait in the living room, for Ricky. During his shower, the phone rings.


        You answer your phone, it was your mother. "(Y/N), listen, your son is being a brat so I'm going to drop him off."

"You can't, I'm going to work."

"Fine, I'll drop him off at your work."

"You can't! You know what happened last week, I don't want him being there."

        "I don't care, I'm dropping him off." She hung up. You just stand there and drop the phone. This can't be happening.

"Hey, (Y/N), what's wrong?" You just stood there. You slowly turned your head at Ricky.

"Mom's is dropping of Danny. At work." You both just stood.

"We should hurry then, so he's not by himself." You nod and both of you leave as fast as you could.


        You run inside the building, trying hard to find Danny, you look in the arcade room, he's playing the Bonnie game. "Danny!" He turned around and ran towards you.

"Hi mommy!" He smiles. "Could I have some pizza, I'm hungry!"

        "Did grandma give you any breakfast?" He shook his head, you started to get upset. "Alright, c'mon." You go to the counter and buy him two slices of pizza. "Eat and play some games, okay?" He nods and does exactly that you said.

You walk into the other room, noticing that Ricky is talking with Mike. You start to eavesdrop.

        "Look, Mike, sorry about what I said yesterday." Ricky put up his hand, for a forgiveness handshake. 

        "It's fine dude." He shook his hand but he pulled Ricky close, giving him a serious look. "But if I want to talk to (Y/N), I will." Mike let go and walked into the main room, Ricky looking mad. Ricky went to the back, assuming to look at the cameras and avoid people. You turn around and continued to watch the kids in the arcade room.

        You walk to the back, there a giant present box, you open it to see what was inside, it was The Puppet. It looked up at you, with white pupils. You quickly shut the lid and walked away, as if nothing happened.


You step into the main room, seeing Mike. "Mike!" You run towards him.

"Hey!" He smiles and you stand next to him. "Heard your son was here."

"He is, he's in the party room. His name is Danny, if you want to say hi." He smiles.

"I will later." He looked back at all the kids in the room. "I've always wanted a kid."

"They're fun, but sometimes they're a pain in the booty but it's worth it. Definitely." He chuckled.

"I just need a wife first." He laughed but you just stood there, awkward a little bit. You fake a chuckle.

"Right." You both just stand there.

"Sorry, I can be awkward at times." He chuckle.

"That's all right." You continue to talk to him, laughing and working.


        It's finally over, your shift is over! You start to leave, halfway down the parking lot, you remembered. Danny! You run back and storm inside, to the office, where Ricky was.

"WHERE'S DANNY!?" He jumped, not knowing you were there.

        "I don't know." You start to look around all throughout the building. You couldn't find. Maybe he went home. You rush back to the office.

        "Do you see him anywhere?" Ricky shook his head. You start to panic. "IF HE'S STILL HERE, IMAGINE THE NIGHT! OH MY GOD!" Ricky stood up and hugged.

"He might have went home." He started rubbing your back. "I'm sure he's fine."

"I'm staying if I can't find him." Ricky looked at you weird.

"What if he's at home?"

"What if he's here?"

"I'll look for him, I'll come over later. You go home and look for him." You nod, still panicking.

"You come over, no matter what!" He smiled and nodded.

You run home.


He wasn't home.

You looked in his bedroom.

In the cabinets.

Under the sink.



You even checked the neighbors, still nothing.

You start to panic.

You hyperventilate until you pass out on the living room floor.


You wake up on your bed, with Ricky by your side, looking down on the floor.

"Where is he? Where is Danny?" Ricky looked up and into your eyes. He said no words.

        You look down and start crying. "WHY ISN'T DANNY HOME?" You start to throw the pillows and throw the blanket and sheets, you even punched a hole in the wall. Ricky had to hold your hands and hold you down to the floor, just so you don't do any more damage. "HE'S IN THERE, THOSE THINGS ARE GOING TO GET HIM!" You try to get out of Ricky's grip, but he wouldn't let go. "LET GO OF ME, MY SON IS THERE!"

"THAT'S SUICIDE, NO!" He held you down stronger. You just gave up and start weeping.

"My baby boy is in there. My only child."

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