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Chapter 8

        After the awful incident, you wouldn't let go of Danny the whole day. The both of you left the restaurant by the ambulance and the police, covered in blood. Neither of couldn't stop crying. Both of sat in the back of an ambulance, it wasn't moving. The police kept asking questions to both of you, but you couldn’t respond.

        In the middle of a question, you look behind the man, seeing a stretcher storm through, it was Nishi. You heard the paramedics. "SHE'S STILL ALIVE, GET THE SUPPLIES AND GO, GO, GO!" You couldn't help but feel a bit relieve but you also felt awful, Danny witnessed something a child shouldn't even think of. So did you.

"Miss!" You jump and look at the cop. "Please, answer the question."

"Sorry, I wasn't listening, what was the question?" He frowned.

        "What did you see?" You start to tear up, as the incident replays in your head. The Mangle jumping and biting. Biting off the forehead of an innocent little girl, in front of another innocent child. Spaying blood everywhere, tears everywhere. You didn't realize but tears were streaming down your face and you were sobbing uncontrollably. "Ma'am, please calm down. I know you went through an awful experience but please answer the damn question." Right before you could reply, Danny got upset.

        "YOU LEAVE MOMMY ALONE! MY NEW FRIEND LEFT AND NOW I'M YUCKY! MY MOMMY IS SAD! I'M SAD!" He was also sobbing uncontrollably, his words made you feel twice as worse. "LEAVE MOMMY ALONE!" Danny jumps off the ambulance and runs off.

        "DANNY, COME BACK!" You try to make him come back, but he kept running. You start running behind Danny, eventually, both of you make it to the apartment. "Danny!" He finally turns around and looks at you. "Don't run off, you scared me." You grab him and hug him once again, not letting go. "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too mommy."


        Both you and Danny stayed home and watched TV together. There were no words, nobody paid attention, you didn't even know what was on the television, you were so deep in your thoughts.

"Mommy?" You snap out of your thoughts.


"Will Nishi be okay?" You look down, you weren't sure.

        "I don't know." You try to smile. "Watch some more TV." He frowns and looks at the TV, you wish you could tell him more.



The phone starts blaring, you quickly get up and answer it. "Hello?"

        "Hi, this is Freddy. The manger of Freddy Fazbear's." You stood there frozen. "We realize that you know of the incident that currently happened, we want to apologize. Also, we would like to inform you that Nishi, she's alright. She lost her frontal lobe and is very lucky to be alive. You have no work till Friday, if you're still up for the job, if so, we will raise your salary due to the circumstances. We are losing customers and employees quickly." You weren't sure but if you lost the job, you'd lose the apartment.

        "Uhmm, yea, I'll stay. Thanks for letting me know everything." You hang up the phone and go into the living room. "Danny." He looks at you. "Nishi is alright." He smiled and cheered then hugged you tightly.

"I'm so happy!" He ran into his room. You still wanted to cry. Sit in a corner, in the dark, and just cry.


        You sigh and walk to the front door, opening it. It was Ricky. He looked at you and hugged you. He smelled like fruit again. You hug him back, finally, a shoulder to cry on. You start balling. He just rubbed your back, no words.


        You walk Ricky into Danny's room so the two could officially meet. "Danny." He gets up and looks at Ricky. "This is Ricky." Danny looks at him and smiles.

        "I've seen you before!" He starts jumping. "You stay at Freddy's with mommy!" He starts jumping around the room, making you and Ricky laugh. "Do you like my mommy?" He says while jumping right in front of Ricky. Ricky turned bright red.

        "Uhmm…" He looks at you and turns even more red, then he smiles and looks at Danny. "Yes. Very much." Danny nods.

"That's cool, do you want to play trucks  or mayb-" You cut him off.

        "He's got to talk to me really quick." Danny frowns and starts playing by himself, you grab Ricky's sleeve and drag him into the hallway. "I know. I like you too… but we can't right now. You know? Everything that's happened. On top of that, Danny. I don't know if you're good with children or not. This is gon-" He cuts you off by kissing you. His lips are soft and warm. You pull away. "Ricky… not now." You look down.

        "It's gonna be alright, I promise." He pushes up your jaw, gently, and looks at you in the eyes. "I swear." He smiles. You nod. "We can wait if we need to. It was bad for me too, I'm still gonna work there."

"Me too."

        "So we can talk more later. No need to rush." You smile. "Everything will be okay." He kisses your forehead. "But, so you know, I'm not patient." He chuckles and winks. You couldn't help but blush a little bit.

"I'll see you Friday." He smiles and nods.

"I'll see you on Friday." He walks out of the apartment and into his car.

You talk back to Danny's room and walk in.



"Why were you two kissing." You turn bright red.


"Do you guys love each other?"

You just stand there.

Did you?

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