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Years earlier....

 you had moved into the Manor estate of the Kamisato Clan, with your Cousins Ayaka and Ayato, as your parents thought It for the betterment of your future, you didn't argue or fuss although only seven years old actually finding it exciting, as you'd missed your cousins hoping to play and have fun living together as a family, upon arriving you soon got out of the rickshaw In your purple kimono and geta shoes you walked up to the estate with your escort and belongings

Outside there stood Ayaka and Ayato, along with their aunt who was looking after them ever since their parents had died, seeing you approach Ayaka smiled running to meet you, she threw her arms around you almost making you fall to the ground, but you caught yourself hugging back as you laughed together, she took your hands her light blue hair blew in the wind

"Cousin (Y/n) I missed you!"

you smiled "I missed you too!"

Ayato came up beside his sister, he gave you a little hug, which you returned your escort spoke to their aunt before soon leaving behind your things, Ayaka came to give you a hand as you walked into the estate their aunt showed you to your very own, room It was fairly large 

you turned folding your hands "Thank you Madam for this room"

 Aunt Akane smiled "there's no need for thanks and please do call me Aunt Akane we're family after all not strangers, living here you shall be a noble girl of our clan"

Ayaka smiled taking your hands "she's right we shall share weal and woe...come I'll show you the estate"

you followed as she led you along introducing you to the inhabits of the estate, from the housekeeper Furuta to the house servant Koharu, it seemed they'd liked you right away as you walked through the hallways, you could see several banners hanging with the Clan's emblem, you then went outside meeting the gardener looking upon the beautiful garden with the pinkest Sakura tree's you've ever seen they were very lush so very vibrant 

you let go of Ayaka's hand, wandering under the trees as the wind blew, making the petals fall as they danced to the ground a few fell atop your hair, you brushed them out taking a petal into your hands you started to think If you'd truly fit in around here 

"Ayaka...will I fit in"

Ayaka came over touching your shoulder "of course you will I know everyone will like you and if not then that's okay"

you turned to her with a smile "If you say so"

you then turned looking out to see Inazuma city not too far away from the estate you walked a little closer thinking it was beautiful a smile started coming onto your face 

"Cousin...may we go into the city" you asked 

Ayaka smiled with a nod "of course let's go ask Aunt Akane"

you went back inside to the main hall where Akane was sitting as she sipped on a cup of tea 

she turned to you both "I'll come along with you but don't stray too far once we arrive"

after that you went to prepare, before setting out to the mainland of Inazuma city, you all got into a rickshaw with the horse taking you through the entrances red gates, you looked around at the sights in awe this was your first time here after all, so you couldn't help your enthusiasm the rickshaw soon came to a stop with you stepping down by the help of the driver

he bowed "your ladies have a good time"

Akane dismissed him "wait for us close by please"

you started walking looking around as you and Ayaka had your elbows hooked together as not to get lost you came to a snack stall that sold many things you 

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