The Party Chap.22

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A Week Later....

It was a rare occasion where Ayato was home from work, but also around this time there was to be a party held at the Hiiragi Estate for the Birthday of Chisato so It was to be a formal ordeal. Ayato had received an Invitation of course along with you and Ayaka, but everyone was to have an escort to which you didn't as Ayato was doing that for Ayaka so you went to Invite your boyfriend. Upon telling Itto about the party he said he'd be happy to come with you to which you were delighted, but then Itto started to get nervous about It as It was a formal event to which you reassured him that It was okay and he should just be himself just like with you.

It was In the afternoon before the party and you were wrapping up your gift for Chisato, you weren't exactly close when you were little but she was someone you felt was a good friend

you were kneeling on the floor as you then placed a signed card into the gift, then setting it aside for now as you then heard knocking on your door frame "(Y/n) it's me"

you turned as the door slid open with Ayaka stepping inside, she smiled "Afternoon"

you smiled with a nod, "Afternoon Ayaka, are the preparations done on your end?"

"They are, so are Ayato's all that's left is to go to the party" Ayaka responded

you looked at your gift, "I hope Chisato likes It"

Ayaka smiled, "Whatever It is I'm sure she will, by the way is Arataki Itto coming?"

you smiled with a blush, "Yes,"

"Finally! you we get to meet your boyfriend" she beamed

you giggled as you blushed, "Well I did want to Introduce him formally to you and Ayato but...It's about time"

Ayaka giggled to herself just as Aki knocked on the doorframe, "Pardon me my ladies"

you turned, "Please come In Aki"

Aki slid the door open and bowed before she came inside, "It's nearly time to get ready"

"Oh! I'll be going then and leave you to get dressed too" said Ayaka

she left your bedroom as she folded her fan back up, as Aki went to your Kimono drawer taking out the new Kimono you'd purchased to wear to the party tonight

"This one my lady?"

you smiled, "Yes that'll do,"

Aki brought It out as she then set It onto the Kimono display, you then rose onto your feet as you went to go freshen up some before getting dressed. Once returned to your room you got dressed with Aki's help as you changed into a new white under dress with her bringing the Kimono

 Once returned to your room you got dressed with Aki's help as you changed into a new white under dress with her bringing the Kimono

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she wiped her brow, "There"

you smiled, "Thank you Aki"

you rose onto your feet and slipped on your nice pair of Geta shoes, but as you opened the door yourself you came face to face with Itto who also just arrived dressed up nicely

you smiled, "Dear?"

Itto blushed, "Sunshine look beautiful,"

you smiled bashfully, "Thank you, you look good as well"

Itto scratched the back of his neck, as you then looked at the Hakama he was wearing It was brand new and in his signature colors as well he looked dashing. After he explained how he got there and the like you all soon moved to meet up with Ayato and Ayaka

"Hey! My Bro Ayato!"

Ayato smiled, "Itto it's nice to see you'll be joining us this evening"

"Yeah thanks for letting me tag along" he said

"Now then, are we ready?" asked Ayato

everyone nodded in agreement before you left the estate to get into the awaiting Rickshaws, that soon took you from the Estate to Ritou though you did have to change transportation. Soon reaching the Hiiragi Estate and you'd just made it in time to check in with your Invitations

you were then announced as you headed into the Hiiragi Estate, just as you spotted the Birthday Girl herself Chisato dressed In a beautiful colored and designed Kimono happily speaking with Kujou Kamaji whom was her boyfriend

Itto whistled, "This is one swanky party"

you giggled as you held onto his arm just as you called out to Chisato who turned

"(Y/n)?! Welcome It's so good to see you!"

she walked over to the four of you as you exchanged hugs with her, then presenting her gift to which she thanked you very much before you Introduced her to Itto

"Chisato this is Arataki Itto he's-"

Chisato smiled, "So we finally meet, who In Inazuma wouldn't know THE Arataki Itto"

Itto chuckled to himself as he wiped underneath his nose, "Of course! I am the One and Oni Arataki Itto"

Ayato let out a sigh, "Happy Birthday Lady Hiiragi"

"Thank you, please enjoy the party"

Ayaka opened up her fan as she went to go speak with the other guests, but Chisato didn't let you and Itto go so soon as she asked how you guys got together

Itto blushed, "well...we go way way back to when we were kids, (Y/n) was always there to defend me from kids who'd bully me or throw beans at me...usually both"

you smiled, "Yes, I couldn't stand by while he was being treated so and after our numerous encounters we got on to be friends until..."

your smile fell as you brought a hand up to your eye, "My Accident and after that...we lost contact"

Itto put his arm around you, "But Hey after all these years we got back together months ago and now...look at us!"

you smiled and leaned into his embrace as he kissed your hand, "Right"

Chisato put her hands together, "Aww! that's so sweet when do you think you'll get married?"

you and Itto both blushed as you started to speak again, "Chisato...that...that's...we haven't talked about It but I'm sure it'll be a longtime from now".

One and million Oni, Arataki Itto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now