Confession In Chinju Forest Chap.13

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During the ride there, Itto told you jokes and stories as to help lift your spirits and It worked, but only for a little bit, after a twenty five minute ride you soon arrived, Itto jumped down from the rickshaw, he smiled holding out his hand to you, you took It as he then guided you down before leading you by the hand, you walked through the red gates of the forest entrance, you'd just been In the afternoon sun but In Chinju forest It was always dark, you walked for a while longer as you'd then came to a couple of boulders, you went to sit down on one 

Itto jumped up onto one, "There, man I gotta tell you those rickshaws are pretty nice, now that's a way to travel in style"

you giggled, "I suppose so"

he then sat down turning to you, "so, what's been going on"

you sighed, before starting "I'll admit, I've been a bit depressed lately, ever since Aunt Akane passed away, things haven't been the same at home, and I don't.... know what to do"

"Well, you're still in mourning It's natural, though I've never lost anyone that close to me before, heck I didn't even know my parents, If I lost Granny Oni or one of my boys I'd be the same"

you nodded, you then looked down "It's been hard, and I hate that I'm not myself"

"I Understand, well mourning takes time no matter what, just don't let yourself get too down In the dumps or It'll hurt more"

you gave a small smile, "Thank you, when did you start giving advice Itto?"

he blushed, "I'm just good at pep talks"

Itto then stood up, he walked away for a bit as then returned with one of the glowing flowers, 

he smiled with a blush, "I know It's not much, but...happy birthday"

you smiled, "Thank you"

he then guided you to stand, as he tucked It behind your other ear "There!"

Itto then scratched the back of his neck, "Hey (Y/n), I know this might not be the best time, but I have something to tell you"

you gave your attention "Yes?"

"Well, where to start I guess a few years ago, I really can't say It enough how grateful I am to you, I was a Oni kid just trying to make it in the city, but day In and day out I got bullied and had beans thrown at me, but then you came Into my life and didn't see me as a monster"

you started, "Itto, you may be an Oni but you were never a monster to me"

he blushed, continuing "that makes me happy, you defended me from the taunts and assault from the other kids and I found you to be amazing, you were really my hero back then, I was really happy when you called me your friend as you were the first one I'd ever had, and as the days went by we became good friends, and that friendship I'll always treasure but...after all these years when I saw you again, catching up and hanging out again, I started to feel that you weren't just a friend anymore but...something more, so you see the thing is"

Itto scratched the back of his head, he then looked you in the eye "I love you (Y/n), I'm in love with you"

a crimson blush rose onto your cheeks, your heart started to thump In your chest, you then placed your hands over your heart, you couldn't believe he felt the same way, a smile started to come to your face and It was a real one, Itto blushed "well, I'll understand if you just see me as a buddy or something"

you giggled, before you leapt onto him In a hug which took him by surprise "I don't"

his heart skipped a beat, " you"

you smiled, "Yes I do, I love you too Arataki Itto"

Itto's eyes widened, he then let out a sigh of relief "Aw man! I was so worried for a moment"

he then wrapped his arms around you, you smiled while hugging him back, but then you felt he was shaking and you rubbed his back "Itto, what's the matter?"

"Nothin I'm just so happy"

Itto parted from you a little, he caressed your cheek with his black clawed hand, a brilliant smile coming to his face, he leaned in pressing two kisses to your forehead 

"Listen, I know you can fend for yourself, but I want you to know that, from now on I'll also protect you from any and everything that tries to hurt you"

you smiled, "Alright"

Itto hugged you again, he rested his cheek against your hair "also, I was waiting to ask, can I be your boyfriend?"

you leaned onto his chest, "of course"

a goofy grin came to his face, showing his fangs as he then laughed, but then a blush came to his face again, he parted from you again and you looked up at him, he cupped your cheeks as he bent down, just then Itto felt water on his face, soon It started to rain but he didn't care

Itto leaned In closer and closer, pressing his lips to yours and you stood stunned before kissing back, as the rain came down upon you both, you shared your first ever kiss, after another second you parted from each other with blushes on your faces, Itto then started to chuckle 


"Sorry, It's just I can't believe this is happening, I mean you're of that High born clan and I'm just a crimson Oni descendant, I honestly thought I didn't have a chance with you"

you touched his cheek, "Itto, when It comes to love, social standing or lineage doesn't matter, In my eyes you're the pride of the crimson Oni, and It truly mean that"

Itto blushed, "you think so, yeah I guess I am pretty awesome"

you giggled, "Yes"

Itto then looked up, "hey, we should probably get going It's really coming down, my wicked do is already wrecked"

you nodded, "Yes, oh goodness I don't have an umbrella"

he put his arm around you, "ah It's okay, let's go before you catch a cold"

you walked with him out of Chinju Forest, It was Indeed raining throughout Inazuma right now, you didn't know If you would be able to get home In this,

Itto blushed, "Hey uh...we could wait it out back In the city, I wouldn't want you to get sick on your way home"

you blushed, starting to think what he said entails that you'd be staying in an Inn together, since you were together now you guessed It would be alright, you got into the rickshaw with the driver going back in the direction of Inazuma city, you shivered at the cold of the rain, Itto put his arm around as to help you warm up more and you smiled, leaning Into his embrace, after hearing his confession the Ice that was In your heart melted away.

(Song belongs to Fujita Maiko, all credits go to her)

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