Martial arts and Nobility Chap.1

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The Present...

It was a beautiful sunny morning within Inazuma, you awoke to the sounds of light knocking on your bedroom door, which soon slid open with Aki kneeling there, you turned over to face her 

she bowed her head "good morning, Lady (Y/n) It's time for the day"

you covered your mouth as you yawned sitting up "yes good morning, Aki"

you smoothed out your hair, tossing it over your shoulder getting up from your futon, making it neatly before you rose, stretching your arms then following Aki to the bath where you washed yourself, while Aki washed your hair for you, she started telling of today's agenda 

"After breakfast with Her Ladyship you're to go alone and meet with the Madam for your lessons as Lady Ayaka is out currently busy with Clan Leader Ayato"

you gave a nod "alright...I hope Ayato isn't pushing himself too hard"

Aki sighed "It can't be helped he is the Clan leader after all but luckily Lady Ayaka is there to give him counsel lightening his burden a bit"

you picked up a Sakura petal from the water "Indeed but I wish that I could be of help somehow to them"

you blew the petal from your fingers, letting it glide back into the semi-hot waters, you then placed a hand to your brow, feeling a numb tingling sensation near your right eye this happened for the last few years after that accident, when you survived being struck by lightning, but the doctor told It was due to the nerve damage there although not serious it would be annoying 

Aki finished up washing your hair, she parted It down the middle taking a wooden basin, she poured water over your head as to get the soup out, then combing It through, she took your wet hair drying it by towel gently before wrapping It into a bun, Aki then stepped back as you stood up, she handed you a towel you dried yourself off before putting on a white yukata 

you went back to your bedroom, Aki went over to your Kirintansu drawer getting out your favorite blue and pink Kimono. you took off the Yukata, changing into your undergarments, before putting on the white undress and slipping on the light blue Furisode atop with beautiful pink detailing. Aki then brought your pale beige Hakama skirt as she tied It around your waist then bringing another tie to secure It

you then kneeled at the little mirror on the low desk, as Aki took down your hair brushing through It as you looked into the mirror, you looked at your right eye, It was still grey with the Iris you guessed your original color would never come back, but it didn't bother you much 

on the streets you were revered to be beautiful, just like Ayaka, but a mysterious beauty because of your right eye while others thought It to be curse from the gods, you paid it no mind Aki pulled your hair up into a bun and your bangs were styled to frame your face 

Aki shuffled back with a bow "all done...her Ladyship is waiting for you"

you smiled with a nod "Thank you take a break If you'd like"

she smiled "You're much too generous My lady thank you"

you then put on your bracelet that had your vision, you always kept It there ever since receiving it years ago, you stood up leaving your room as you walked down the hall, your geta shoes made a noise you walked quickly as not to keep Aunt Akane waiting any longer, but you kept your poise entering the dining hall to see, Aunt Akane In a red Kimono 

you walked to the dining table kneeling onto the tatami mat with a bow "Good morning, Aunt"

she smiled giving a nod "Good morning (Y/n)"

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