After all these years Chap.2

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The next day...

You had gotten up to bathe before dressing into your outfit with Aki's help, she then sat down doing your hair you didn't have your usual bun instead It was just a high ponytail

she then bowed "all finished...It's time for breakfast my lady"

you gave a nod "I know is Aunt Akane alright"

Aki nodded "yes the Madam was alright, but she suddenly retired back to her room as to have a rest she wanted me to relay that she's just tired"

you sighed "alright..."

you then put on your stockings straightening them before putting on your geta shoes standing up as Aki then dusted off your kimono sleeves after breakfast today you were going to enter the palace of Raiden Ei not to train, she'd wanted you to bring your Shamisen to play It you'd mastered the instrument over the years playing whenever it was requested of you

you left your room heading to the dining hall where Ayaka sat waiting you walked over kneeling down onto your spot with the tatami mat exchanging morning greetings and chatter 

you smiled "good morning, Cousin"

she smiled "Good morning (Y/n) did you sleep well"

you nodded "yes...although my mind was rather full from the day"

Ayaka giggled "I would imagine so your day was much livelier than mine"

Thoma came out from the kitchen carrying a large tray with breakfast foods of miso soup, rice, egg roll and salted salmon he placed each dish onto the table in front of you both equally 

he smiled "good morning, Lady (Y/n)...Lady Ayaka It's a wonderful day Isn't It"

you smiled with a nod "Indeed good morning Thoma I've come to notice you're always so cheery at this time"

he laughed "that's because I do enjoy mornings rather than other hours"

he then placed down two sets of chopsticks for you both before he took the tray back into his hands bowing his head leaving the dining hall as you started to eat 

"Are entering the palace today (Y/n)" asked Ayaka 

you gave a nod "yes her Excellency would like for me to bring my Shamisen"

 Ayaka smiled "I haven't heard you play in a while I thought you'd stopped"

you smiled "no it's just that I've been so busy with training that I haven't had the time to play but I do enjoy it very much It's melody is relaxing especially when paired with a flute"

you picked up your bowl of miso soup blowing before you had a sip "how is Cousin he well"

Ayaka nodded "yes he's doing just fine although stressed lately with Clan affairs"

"Ayato is a great Clan leader but he's been working much too hard" you said 

Ayaka shook her head "I suppose It can't be helped all I can is advise brother to take better care of himself Instead of worrying about minor things"

for the rest of breakfast Ayaka told you of her plans for the day before she left as to accompany Ayato for the day you soon finished your breakfast wiping your mouth with the cloth napkin then setting it down as you rose leaving the dining hall to fetch your Shamisen 

you tuned it a bit before you strapped It onto the back of your kimono leaving the estate heading to the mainland of Inazuma city you took the rickshaw into town having the driver take you the Raiden Shogun's palace once you arrived outside the gates the guards came over you showed them your pass with the Kamisato clan symbol which made them stand down bowing 

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