The Visitor Chap.21

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Soon after returning back home from Liyue things were back to normal as you resumed your usual lives, but you did have quite the stories to tell Ayaka and Aki about with your time together with Itto. but also that trip that you had made your relationship all the stronger, quite a few things had happened since you returned one of which Itto had gotten a proper job and his Gang did as well. thanks to your connections as a Lady of the Kamisato Clan he'd started a new job

you were currently outside of the Estate as you looked to Inazuma City In the distance, thinking by now Itto was hard at work with his new job which was apart of construction and the like as he was already used to heavy lifting and or smashing if necessary. Just then you giggled to yourself as you remembered a moment from the trip, It was so fun as well as romantic It was wonderful to have spent that time together away from all the bustle but you did miss home as well. not to mention you couldn't stay away for too long as you still had your official Clan duties

to which Ayato had finally listened to your requests and allowed you to do more In assisting

"My Lady a young Yokai is here for you"

you looked up In happiness and started to stand, "Is It Itto?"

Aki shook her head, "No, It's a girl who appears cat like"

"Oh! that must be the Komaniya Express"

you headed outside to the entrance gate as the guards stood aside once they saw you

you smiled, "Welcome I take it that's the deliver?"

Kirara smiled, "Yes Ma'am It is! allow me to go over the order once more"

Kirara carefully handed the three boxes over to Aki, "Alright let's see...the newest Chioriya Boutique's Kimono, a New Sword Sheath and...Fresh Sunsettia from Sumeru"

you smiled, "Thank you"

Aki tilted her head, "Sunsettia Fruit my lady?"

"Mhm, I've wanted to try some for a longtime"

Kirara gave you the little clipboard, "Sigh here please"

you signed giving your signature before the Nekomata thanked you for your patronage before she left, you then headed back inside the Estate to take a look at your buys from the Express.

One and million Oni, Arataki Itto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now