Sightseeing Chap.19

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After another while of paddling the boat you soon ended up within the harbor, looking all around at the new sights and splendor of them as you were now In Liyue, just then Itto grabbed a rope and jumped onto the boardwalk as he then pulled the boat closer using his strength, then tying It tightly so It wouldn't drift away, Itto then grabbed your things and brought them along 

"Wow! look at this place"

you smiled, "I know, It's so beautiful"

just then Ushi followed not too far behind as he looked around In curiosity, It was different from Inazuma but It had a very welcoming and homelike feel to it 

"So Sunshine where should we go first?"

you thought, "before we look around we should find a place to stay first, I brought plenty of Mora with me but I don't know of the Inns here so we should ask around first"

just then you stopped a passerby and he directed you both to Feyu Slope, after twenty minutes where you'd ended up at the Baiju Guesthouse and so you went to check In there, getting a room for you both for your two week stay In Liyue just so you had enough time to enjoy yourselves and spend the quality time together that you needed

after getting settled into the room and putting away your luggage you decided to venture out, but first you both went to freshen up in the Guesthouses bath but Itto let you go first, and so you did before clearing the space up for him after you were through getting cleaned up

and while you sat waiting for Itto you dried your hair and combed through It, before putting It back into the style Aki usually put it in, putting on your regular Kimono that was blue with sakura and your Geta just as your gallant Oni returned now dressed again but with wet hair.

You and Itto walked around the Feyu Slope as you took In the sights, sounds a new smells all around, you went to the Wanwen book house as you'd heard a lot about their Novels 

"Hey Babe, look at this one seem familiar to you"

you looked to Itto as he held up a familiar book, "oh that's one of Lady Guuji's"

Itto opened up the book and tried reading it but Yae Miko's Literature wasn't all that good for him to understand, so he put the book back "Meh"

you giggled, "What was that for?"

 Itto crossed his arms, "Nothin it's too...complicated for me"

you continued browsing a little more before you left the book house, just as Itto's stomach growled Indicating that he was hungry and not too long after so did yours. It happened to be lunch time right now so you asked for directions again, and headed off to Xinyue Kiosk due to the high recommendations, once you arrived you were greeted by Yueshu 

"Welcome to Xinyue Kiosk Table for two?"

you smiled, "Yes"

she gestured, "right this way please"

Itto looked up at the building and all around as you went inside "Very Swanky..."

She took you to a table in the upstairs area of the restaurant where she soon took your orders

"Everything sounds good, but we're new to Liyue do you have any Recommendations?"

Yueshu started thinking, "Let me see...the Golden Crab is very good, but so are the golden shrimp balls"

you looked to Itto, "What do you think"

Itto thought, "hm...It sounds great we'll just try...everything!"

Yueshu smiled, "Alright one of everything coming up"

Itto then looked at you, "I'm sorry babe If I got carried away I-"

you touched his hand with a smile, "It's okay don't worry about that I want you to enjoy yourself too while we're here, and to be honest...I didn't know what to choose either"

Itto held your hand back, he then kissed It "Man, you're the best"

you giggled as he kissed your hand some more, "Itto..."

at the other tables some people started whispering about Itto, and he didn't fail to hear It but then soon Yueshu returned with your full course meal of Golden crab, stir fried fish noodles, Golden shrimp balls and full moon egg, which made Itto's stomach growl louder 

"this looks amazing sunshine let's dig in!"

you smiled with a nod before you thanked Yueshu, she then left as you and Itto started eating 

Itto's eyes lit up, "Wow!"

you smiled, "Isn't It delicious? though we do have Golden crab back home but this is also something special"

Itto picked up one of the shrimp balls and fed It to you, "that's really good too"

Itto nodded before he started eating a few more along with the full moon egg. after you enjoyed the delicious and filling meal you paid the bill with the allotted Mora before leaving, and you started wandering away from Feyu Slope as you kept sight seeing until you reached Chihu rock

and you went to a few of the shops there with Itto, and one of them was the toy shop

"Sunshine look at this!"

you looked at the kite he was holding, It was brightly colored and looked like a fish

"Oh how about we go fly It together" he proposed

you smiled, "Alright"

you went to pay for the kite before the both of you headed to the harbor docks, where you flew the kite together as Itto had his arms around you, just as the sun started to set In the sky

you looked up at him, "Itto"


you smiled and leaned into him more, "I'm happy we ran away together"

Itto smiled lovingly, "Me too"

you shared a tender kiss as Itto put his hands atop yours, before he kissed your forehead.

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