Theatre performance Chap.3

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It was a warm afternoon in Inazuma city you were out and about helping Ayaka with some errands in town also over seeing some minor things happening with your fellow Kamisato Clan members, but it wasn't a little talking to, and negotiation couldn't fix Ayaka had come to let you help with minor affairs this made you happy as you could be of some help to them now 

after finishing up with that you thought to go take break heading to the Komore teahouse being greeted and welcomed by former ninja dog Taroumaru whom showed you to the private room where you took your seats kneeling onto the designated Tatami mats 

you smiled with a nod "thank green tea please with tri colored Dango"

Taroumaru gave a "Woof!"

Ayaka giggled "The same for me please"

the dog gave what looked like a nod before leaving you then took out your fan lightly fanning yourself although it was much cooler Inside Ayaka did the same 

you then remembered "Cousin did you speak with Aunt Akane today"

Ayaka looked down "yes but...I fear that she's getting on in age"

you furrowed your brows "Ayaka you don't mean..."

just then you heard a *woof* turning to see one of the servers coming in he set down your tea and Dango you then let out a sigh thanking him before you picked up the cup of tea having a sip you then picked up the tri colored Dango skewer having a bite it was very tasty with sweetness 

Ayaka shuffled "(Y/n) have to understand Aunt Akane...she's not getting any better"

you sighed "I'm not a little girl anymore...I understand it, but I don't wish to think of It"

she nodded before having a sip of the green tea "I know"

you couldn't bare the somber tone in the room you knew that Aunt Akane wasn't getting any better with her Illness you could already predict what might happen, but it hurt too much after all these years of her care and nurturing she was like a second mother to you 

Ayaka reached over placing her hand atop yours "forgive me I didn't mean to make the room so somber"

you nodded "I know It's not your fault"

she took her hand back picking up her own Dango skewer having a bite you did the same soon finishing your tri colored Dango having another sip of tea but then your mind started to wonder you wondered what Itto was up to today you giggled with a smile coming to your face 

 "Hm? what has you so happy"

you smiled "Remember the Oni friend I had in childhood well...I met him the other day" 

Ayaka's eyes widened "truly! that's wonderful (Y/n) you must've been so happy to reunite"

you smiled with a nod thinking back on that afternoon you secretly hoped to see him again Ayaka finished her tea and snack before she stood "I must be off now duty calls"

you stood bowing your head "alright take care cousin"

 she then left the private tearoom before you followed suite thinking to wander the city a bit you thanked Taroumaru leaving Komore teahouse heading into the city you walked along the streets fanning yourself lightly looking to see many people, couples or children you smiled to yourself but then you heard music following the sound to the outside theatre there was a Nogaku theatre performance you hadn't seen one In so long so you decided to go watch you walked excusing yourself as you tried to find a seat sitting down on the wooden bench not too far from the stage 

you sat down closing your fan as you watched seeing three men come onto the stage dressed up as guards one of them stepped forward, he was very robust 

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