A loss Chap.10

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A week later...

Dark clouds drew into the skies of Inazuma, the rain soon started to fall as you were out In the town, Aki unfolded your umbrella holding It open above your head, you wondered if the storm was cause for concern towards your mentor, but you decided not to draw any conclusions thinking It was best that you return home and quickly, just then a crack of thunder rumbled through the sky, you jumped In fright as you had flashbacks to years ago on that stormy day when you'd been struck by lightning, the memory made your skin crawl as you walked starting to shiver a bit, just then your eye started to have that tingling feeling as if responding to the storm In a way, you and Aki hurried to the rickshaw with the driver starting off down the street, 

Aki rubbed your shoulder "Are you alright, I know you have a fear of storms"

you nodded "I...I'm always shaken up, It brings back memories of that day"

Aki nodded "I understand, no one can forget that either, I'd never seen Lady Ayaka or Lady Akane so frightened"

"I know, I almost lost my life that day, but I was spared by the graces of her Excellency, and was granted a vision"

Aki held up the umbrella as the rickshaw made Its way out of Inazuma city, It started Into the valley heading back to the Kamisato estate, as the storm started to rage on you nearly jumped from your seat, you tried your best to be calm and collected but It was stressful, you had a strange feeling that something terrible was about to occur but you tried to Ignore It 

once the rickshaw returned back to the manor you saw Thoma run outside, he looked panicked, you got down from the rickshaw as he ran up to you "Lady (Y/n)!"

you furrowed your brows "What happened Thoma?"

he caught his breath "It's...Lady Akane she was outside a little bit ago, but all of a sudden she collapsed in the rain, I helped take her back to her room but....things aren't looking good"

you silently gasped, before you started to rush inside of the estate, not bothering to take off your wet geta shoes, along the way you nearly slipped but caught yourself as you rushed forward, Aki followed close behind as you soon reached her room, the candle was lit Inside and you could hear Ayaka crying within, you slid the door open seeing her alongside Ayato 

Aunt Akane was laying on her futon, still very much breathing but she looked more haggard than ever, you kneeled at her side as you took her hand "Aunt...Aunt Akane..."

she slowly turned to look at you, a weak smile coming to her face "(Y/n)...you finally came"

you started to tear up "Aunt, what happened you were just fine days ago"

Akane took in a breath "I only appeared that way on the outside, but Inside I'm falling apart, although I'm not that old my illness has caught up to me..."

Ayaka sniffled "Aunt, we'll send for the doctor right away!"

Akane shook her head "There's no need, I know I'm about to be done but I have a few things I must tell you all"

she looked to Ayato "Ayato, keep working hard and make our Clan continue to prosper Into the future, you're a great Clan Leader I'm very proud of you"

Ayato's brow quivered "Thank you, Aunt"

she then held out her other hand, Ayaka took hold of It "Ayaka...everywhere you go you look just like my sister...she'd be proud of the Camilia you've turned out to be, stay strong will you"

"Yes, Aunt"

she then started to sit up a little, but you stopped her "Aunt please, you must rest"

she grasped your hands "(Y/n), my little (Y/n) I'm so proud of how far you've come In these years, ever since your parents entrusted you to me I've thought of you as my own, you've won the hearts of the people and became the pupil of the Almighty Shogun, there's nothing more I could ask of you except that you stay true to yourself..."

you nodded, as you tried your best to hold back tears, "I understand, Aunt Akane, please don't leave us..."

she smiled "All things must eventually come to an end, I've lived and endured for long enough, I promised my sister I would look after you all before she died, and I've done just that for Kayo, now I can go join her and our mother"

just then another crack of lightening ripped through, quaking the house a little, you held onto her hand tighter as you trembled, she noticed which made her pat your hands 

"Don't fear, it's just the sounds of nature as I told you long ago, (Y/n) please give my regards to that Oni friend of yours, I'm regretful of not meeting the one who's stolen your heart"

your eyes widened "h...how did you..."

she smiled "The way your eyes sparkled when you spoke of-"

she then started to cough, having a coughing fit as you helped her to lay back down, she then clutched a hand over her chest as she continued to cough, but then her eyes widened before they slowly turned to look at you, Akane's eyes slowly started to close as her hands went limp slipping out of yours, you froze in disbelief as tears streamed down your cheeks

you looked upon her still body, you touched her hand but It was cold "no...no...no Aunt Akane..."

you then started to cry, burying your face into her stomach as you did so, Ayaka cried alongside you while Ayato had a better time restraining his grief, Aki wiped her own tears away 

"The Matriarch of Kamisato Clan...has died please relay this to the Almighty Shogun".

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