Background Information

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Y/n Morris, Crutchy's twin sister younger by 5 minutes.

Y/n and Crutchy's parents passed away in a tragic fire 7 years ago, leaving the two twins to fend for themselves for two years.

After two years they walked from New Jersey to New York. They couldn't take life in Jersey anymore so they left.

In 1894, the twins arrived in Manhattan, New York.

One day they were walking around town and spotted a building that looked interesting to the young 10 year olds.

'Newsboys Lodging House' the sign on the building read.

That night, the twins became Manhattan Newsies.

In 1897, the Newsies strike was ordered. A few weeks before the strike, Y/n started dating the king of Brooklyn, Spot Conlon.

They dated from 1897 to 1898. Spot broke up with her after a very heated argument between the two. They were only 13 at the time. They had strong, young love. But it sadly ended.

Two years later, after the strike, which brings us to now, the year 1899, Y/n is the leader of the Manhattan Newsies.

The boys found out she was the toughest of all of them. Jack resigned his role as leader to make room for Y/n.

The boys started calling her Scar because of the big scar down her left side.

How did that happen? You may ask.

Well, it happened during the Newsies strike of 1897. The boys and Y/n were in a fight with a bunch of men. They had chains, bats, sticks, and other weapons. Y/n got hit in the side with a chain, leaving a big scar. Luckily Brooklyn showed up and saved their butts.

Now for the story. The story you've all been waiting for.

Racetrack Higgins comes to Manhattan to be a 'Hattan Newsie.

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