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~The next morning~

"Wake up!" Mr. Klopperman called out. All the boys groaned. "Wake up wake up" he said, banging on bunks.

He hit the metal of my bunk. "Hey, Scar, you dreamin' 'bout sellin' papes? C'mon!" I groaned.

Mr. Klopperman left the bunk room. I jumped down from my bunk and started walking around the bunk room.

I hit Jack's bunk. "Wake up cowboy!" I yelled. He shot up and groaned. I walked over to Mush and Crutchy's bunk. "Heya boys" I greeted, kindly. "Heya Scar" Mush greeted back, groggily. I took his pillow out from under his head. "Time to get up" I said, sweetly. He stood up and walked to the washroom, Crutchy following.

I walked over to Racetrack's bunk, which was below mine. "Hiya Racer" I grabbed his pillow. "Get up" I said, blankly. He groaned and walked slowly to the washroom.

I walked into the washroom and all the boys were getting ready. "C'mon! Could ya be any slower!? We got papes ta sell and I know damn well they ain't finna sell dem selves!" I yelled. All the boys started rushing to finish.

One by one they ran out of the washroom and downstairs.


We got to the gates and started ordering our papes. "100 papes please" I ordered. "100 papes for Scar" Weasel called behind him.

I got my papes and sat down, looking at today's headline. "Man, what kind of headline is this?" Racetrack asked. "This won't do. No one's gonna buy these papes with these headlines." He complained.

"Listen man, lemme tell ya somethin'" I told him, and pulled him aside. "Headlines don't sell papes, Newsies sell papes. So go be a Newsie and sell those papes" I told him. I could tell he was intimidated. "Y-yes ma'am" he said and walked off to start selling.

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