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Racetrack POV

I was walking around the market trying to sell papes but no one was buying any.

Man, what do I gotta do to sell some papes around here

I suddenly saw Crutchy. I waved him over.

"Heya Racetrack" he greeted. "Hiya Crutchy" I greeted back. "Sayz have youse seen Scar anywhere? Ise lost her" he scratched the back of his neck. "Uh no ise hasn't seen 'er..but ise can help ya look for 'er" I offered.

"Yeah, that'd be swell!" He cheered. "A'ight den" we split up and started looking.


After a while we still hadn't found her.

"Crutchy man, ise don't thinks wese gonna find 'er. Wese been lookin' for over an hour now" I informed him. "Yeah, youse is right..let's just go home" and with that, we headed back to the Lodging House.


God I thought they'd neva leave

I stepped out of my hiding place and left the market, making sure no Newsies was around.

I turned a corner and I was at my destination.


I usually sneak off to Medda's to get away from da Newsies. They can be a bit rambunctious.


I was walking around Medda's, talking to Sarah, David's sister, when I saw him.

Spot Conlon...

Oh shit..this ain't good

I walked away from Sarah and started trying to hide from Spot.

I didn't want him to sees me.

Spot POV

I was hangin' around Medda's when I saw Y/n.

Wow..I hasn't seen her in two years

She looked amazing.

I walked over in her direction but she kept moving away from me.

"Y/n!" I called out to her. She looked at me, shocked and turned away.

I walked over to her and she left.

Now how am I supposed to apologize to her..?

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