Peti mjesec moj nastavne trudnoće iz biologije 2.dio

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It was December 2023 year. I was 19. I was invited to diner with students, teacher and some other people. I bathed various foods, on the end I had sex with boyfriend who was 19. We talk about our future. He was called Alen who the teacher Cvitanwas an uncle, who wants be gynecologist, who was a student 1st year of unyversity in Split. In 1 year I will start studying in Split. I saw teachers Cvitan and Ivan. Teacher's Cvitan brother let me tašte Maexic pasta with tomatoes and cheese and photographed me for Rapunzel's project. Then I have and I love rapunzel's hair. From 1st class of gymnazium when I taked antiandrogen and progesteron I don't even have leg hair anymore, I make fun of it, my groin, even my eyebrows don't grow the way they used to. I enjoyed in rapunzel's hair and beauty. Now I look like rapunzel's. It was my dream. Sex accelerate grow hair.
Dobra sjećanja iz prošlosti
U Osnovnoj školi Vela Luka iz vjeronauka nam je bio učitelj Ante Novaković. On mi je bio drag. Uvijek bi razgovarala s njim. Razgovarao bi s nama, dobro nas je naučio vjeronauk.
Za vrijeme osnovne škole sam željela da mogu napraviti špagu jer je to mogla Antea Stipković. Ja sam htjela biti poput nje i zbog toga sam je smatrala prijateljicom.Osnovna mi je zbog svega toga u srcu i u dobrom sjećanju.

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