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After Anna left to go get her dress, I laid back and thought about Remus.
The past year, I noticed scars on his face and the occasional few on his body. I don't want to intrude and ask him, but part of me is very curious.
I hear Anna run in and slam the door. When I look up she is in the seat, holding the dress up to her face.
"What's wrong?" I questioned, setting my book down. "What happened?"
She remains quiet, so I storm out of our compartment and go down to the boys.
"What. Did. You. Do. To. Anna?!" I say calmly but fierce, mostly looking at Sirius.
"We didn't do anyt-" Sirius starts. "James, do you think she might have overheard us?"
"Overheard what?" I said, being ignored.
"Probably, Padfoot," James said.
"OVERHEARD WHAT?!" I yelled, getting their attention.
"Oh, just me saying she has a nice ass."
"Sirius. You. Bloody. Git!" I slapped him in between each word. "Go apologize now."
With that note, he trailed out of the compartment and James, Remus, and I were laughing.
When we quieted down, James left to go ask Lily out again, leaving Remus and I with Peter.
"I'm going to go get changed," Peter squeaked and shuffled out, leaving Remus and I alone.
"Well, um," I said nervously, " How are you, Remus?"
"I'm doing well, how about yourself?"
"Wonderful, thank you for asking."
"No problem, love." I looked down at my feet, feeling the blush spread across it, as Remus put his arm around my shoulders.
"Are you tired?" He asked me.
I look up slightly and mumble, "Well, kinda, I guess,"
"You can fall asleep here if you'd like."
"Thank you, Remus." I smiled and laid my head on his shoulders, my eyes immediately shut. After a few moments, I drifted into a wonderful sleep.
"Awe look at them!" I heard a girls voice say.
"They are so cute!" A deeper voice said.
"I bet you twenty galleons they're dating." Said an extremely familiar voice. My eyes flutter open and I see Anna, Sirius, and James in the compartment, watching Remus and me. A few moments later, I realized that I was snuggled up to Remus, and he was still asleep. I sat up slowly, stretching my arms, and stared at the group in front of me.
"So, um," I mumbled tiredly. "What's going on?" When I said that, everyone laughed and Anna handed me a picture of Remus and me sitting in the bench, with my arms around his chest, burying my face into him, and his arms around me protectively. I started blushing and I got up, grabbed my clothes, and went to the lavatory to change.

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