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The next few weeks were the same- get up, go to class, eat every now and then, read, sleep, repeat. But that monotonous routine ended as soon as Halloween began to approach.

A week before Halloween, Maddie and I were sitting with Regulus (to my displeasure) outside in front of the lake. Maddie and Reg were doing most of the talking because I was skimming a book on the history of Halloween.

"I see what you mean, that class is pretty boring. Personally, I think that if Binns didn't teach it, it'd be great."

Regulus kept talking with Maddie about History of Magic, while I tried to read, blocking out his voice.

"Anna?" Regulus said. "Anna?"

I snapped back into the conversation. "What?"

"I asked a question. Were you listening?"

"Not really." It came out more bitchy than I had wanted, but that was okay.

Regulus rolled his eyes and turned to Maddie, I looked back down at my book.

"Anna!" someone shouted from the door of the great hall.

I knew who it was and what they wanted, and it was time to run. Sirius wasn't going to catch me today. "Lovely chat, ladies, but I've gotta go. See you on the flip side."

I slammed my book shut and bolted off before I got the chance to hear the two complain.


"Oh Merlin," I whispered, ducking behind a line of suits of armor.

Sirius Black strode by angrily, his skin blue, his hair white, and wearing white clothes and a white hat. That's right, ladies and gentlemen- I turned Sirius black into a smurf. You're welcome.

"I know you're in here," he growled. "I'll find you."

I smiled to myself. No he wouldn't.

"You little-"

"Padfoot, what are you doing?" James asked, walking toward him. Then he paused. "You-" He began to laugh and laugh and laugh.

"Shut up!" Sirius whined. "I'm waiting for Waters to come out so I can punish her!"

James shook his head. "No. No no no. We have to change you back. Come on."

I sent a silent thank you to James and grinned.


"True friends don't let friends run around like smurfs, now come on."

"You turned him into a...smurf?" Maddie asked me that night when we were in our dorms. "You know you're going to die right? He's going to literally kill you."

"He can't catch me."

"Yes he can," she said, grabbing my bottle of perfume from my nightstand. She sprayed a book, which began to turn green and sprout warts. "See?" He's one step ahead. You're wearing my robes tomorrow, and you can forget about using any of you're own hygiene products."

I glanced around at everything in the room. "How'd he even get up here? There are enchantments and-"

"I don't know. But, I do know how we can keep him out."


"Trust me."

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