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I was livid. Who did he think he was? He ruined my day! And now I couldn't even leave my dorm.

As I sat on my bed, angrily flipping through a book, Maddie came in. "Hey, Anna, have you see- Whoa. What happened to you?"

I could feel her staring at my sickly green skin, gazing over my frizzy hair, gaping at the boils all over my arms and neck. "Sirius Black happened, and once I figure out how to fix this, I'm gonna kill him."

She blinked. "Maybe we should go to Madam Pomfrey."

I scowled at my friend, pulling out a quill and some parchment. "No. No, no, no. We're gonna be classy about this. But I'll need some help."

"But don't you need to fix, um..." She motioned at my entire body awkwardly.

"I mean, yeah, but-"

"Then we should probably get someone to help."

"Unfortunately, I refuse to leave the dorm until I look normal again, so..."

She rolled her eyes exasperatedly at me and turned to the door. "I'll get Remus. He'll know what to do."

As she exited the dorm, I snorted and called, "Or maybe you just want to flirt with him!"

"Shut up, Anna!"


Remus and Maddie came up the stairs moments later, arms full of potion ingredients and cauldrons galore. Remus, of course, chuckled at the sight of her until Maddie whacked him on the head with a potions book.

"I'll fight you, Lupin," I said playfully; though, internally, I was growing more and more self-conscious.

"Good luck, Waters."

With that, we all sat around in a circle, making the potion and laughing at each other. At one point, Remus realized that he forgot his wand and had to use Maddie's, which was probably the most adorable thing I have ever witnessed in my entire existence. An hour later, I had downed a purple liquid that tasted of bile, causing my entire body to shudder violently.

But everything that was wrong fixed itself immediately.

"Thanks, Remus, I owe you one!" I said, pulling on a coat and rushing to locate my wand.

"Hey, how come you never owe me one?" Maddie asked.

"Because, my dear, the list has grown too long."

And with that, I was out of the dorm and down the stairs into the common room, smirking at a disappointed looking Sirius and a delighted looking James.

"Thank Merlin you aren't hideous," James laughed.

"Thank you...?" I said, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"What I meant was, thank Merlin Sirius didn't make you look like a troll."

"Well, I beg to differ," Sirius muttered under his breath.

That comment went right to the center of my chest, causing me to feel dizzy and nauseated. How could be possibly be such an asshole.

James, however, was not having it today. With a large whack in the chest, Sirius yelped and jumped backwards. "Sorry! Sorry."

"Hm. Sure," I quipped, holding my head higher. Then, turning to James with a smile, I said, "Thank you."

Now, time to get my hands on some bubblegum and a few meters of string...

Black would pay, even if it resulted in expulsion.

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