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I latched my arm onto Lucas's and began to walk toward the carriages. I assumed that Maddie was with Regulus or Remus, so I figured that I'd meet up with her in the Great Hall.

"Sirius is staring at us," Luke whispered in my ear.

"Why?" I asked, not necessarily realizing that he couldn't answer that question.

He sent me an odd look and smirked. "Why not?"

My cheeks burned bright red and I hid my face in my hands. "Sh-Shut up."

Luke was laughing his ass off as I stumbled through my embarrassment, unhooking his arm from mine and throwing it around my shoulders. "I'm just teasing you, Ann. Relax!"

His stupid nickname that he gave me in second year made me blush more. "It's Anna. With the short 'a' sound at the end."

He grinned. "That's a whole other syllable that I'm too lazy to say. Now get in before we're left behind."

I began to climb into the carriage with Luke and I felt two two other people follow me.

"Anna, you look lovely from this point of view," I heard Sirius say. James muttered something inaudible to him.

It took a second for me to realize that he was talking about my butt...again. Luke hurriedly helped me into the carriage and wrapped his arm around me again, brushing away some slime from my long hair

I was silent on the way to the castle, my eyes downcast to the floor as the three boys laughed and talked amongst themselves. Every now and then Luke would shoot a subtle insult to Sirius on my behalf.

It was embarrassing- having someone disrespect you like that. I didn't know what to say back. I could've laughed it off, I could've made a short innuendo, I could've told him to piss off.

But instead, I grew embarrassed and angry that he was sexualizing me like that.

"Don't worry. I feel like soon he's going to wake up to our excess slime being dumped on him," Luke whispered to me when James and Sirius weren't paying any attention.

I grinned and leaned into him a bit. "Thanks, Luke-y."

He groaned. "Please don't bring that nickname back."

I called him Luke-y all through third year when girls began to notice him. Every time a he was flirting, I'd hop in and ruin it.

He almost hated me. Almost.

"Why not?" I fake pouted. "Do you not like it? I thought it was special..."

He grinned. "I absolutely abhor it. Besides, you're pretty much the only one that calls me Luke anyway. Is that special enough for you?"

"Nope. I like the name Luke-y, so you're stuck with it."

"And I like the name Ann, so you're stuck with it."

I huffed but nodded. "Fine."

"Can you two stop flirting long enough to get out? We're here, and it looks like Slughorn and McGonagall are having a fit," James said, a disgusted look on his face.

Sirius was silent, his jaw clenched uncharacteristically as he basically blew steam from his ears.

"You okay, bro?" Luke asked.

With a curt nod, Sirius jumped out of the compartment.

Luke and I headed out too, parting when we saw our friends. I ran to catch up with Maddie, who was standing a bit too close to McGonagall for my liking.

"When I find out who did this- and so help me if it's someone from my house- they will suffer the consequences!"

I blanked my face and glanced around, much like my peers. Blend in, blend in, blend in.

"You're getting too good at that," Maddie whispered to me. "You might not get caught."

I grinned. "You're the only one that knows right?"

She frowned a bit.


"I mean, I told Reg."

I gave her an exasperated look. "He tattled on me last time!"

"In his defense, he was locked out of his own dorm."

"Not the point!"

She sighed. "Fine, let's go inside before McGonagall has a stroke."

With that we headed inside and say down at the Gryffindor table.

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