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I walked Maddie through the common room and up to her dorm without another word- I simply wrapped my arm around her shoulders and let her think for herself.

That's how I always comforted people and basically went about life. I was quiet- a crutch. Sure, I had my fun, but at the end of the day, I'd be there to lean on, no matter what.

So that's what we did until I heard the girls shuffling up to their dorms. "Mads," I whispered quietly. "Mads, I'm going to go talk to Remus. You should probably talk to Regulus. This needs to be fixed."

She nodded, but stayed quiet, so I couldn't decide if she was going to or not. Instead, I hugged her one more time and wandered to the Marauders dorm.

I didn't even knock, I just opened the door and braced myself for anything.

They were all clothed, thank Merlin.

"Anna? What're you doing in here?" James asked, lifting himself up from his bed.

"Can I have a word with Remus? I'll be quick," I said cautiously, clutching my arm.

Remus looked up from his parchment on the desk, where he was sitting, and headed toward me with a small smile.

"Alone," I mouthed to him. He nodded and stood, allowing me to lead him to the staircase just a few feet from the room. I comfortably sat on one of the stairs, and he followed suit.

"So what's up?" he asked, leaning forward on his elbows.

"Maddie, well, s-she..." Confrontation wasn't my strong suit.

Remus was visibly pale, eyes wide. "I know... She likes Regulus- that's fine-"

"No!" I interrupted. "I-I mean. Th-that's not it at all. She was h-hiding from me so she ran to Reg, 'cause they're friends, a-and he just k-kissed her right there. She was in t-t-tears because she thought you hated her."

"Anna, are you sure?"

I glared at him long and hard before sighing. "Why wouldn't I be?"


"Remus, you're a smart boy. I'm gonna let you figure the rest out- but take what I said as gospel."

He nodded, though a small hint of doubt lingered in his eyes.

"Trust me, Remus."

And with that, I got up and walked to the common room, humming slightly as I walked. I placed myself in front of the fire and sighed.

No one was in there because they all knew that we had to be up bright and early for classes.


It was Sirius, which startled me a bit. He walked at a leisurely pace with a swing in his step, and placed himself directly beside me.

"Sooo... Wanna tell me something?"

I rolled my eyes. "That was a bit vague, Black. Mind trying again- this time in English?"

"Oh, I just mean anything in general. You know, a secret peanut butter stash, dying your hair a crazy color, dropping slime on the entirety of the student body," he growled.

"That- though a brilliant idea that I wish I could claim- was not me," I lied expertly.

He rolled his eyes. "Cut the crap. It wasn't me, it wasn't James- Maddie only pulls pranks with you or my brother. So tell me, Waters, did you do this?"

"Nope. Not quite my style," I grinned, leaning back nonchalantly.

He narrowed his eyes and me and frowned. "If I find out you did this-"

"You'll what? Turn my hair into antlers? Put a bunch of snakes in my bed? I didn't do it, and even if I did, nothing you can do will scare me," I hissed defensively.

Unless that something had to do with spiders or heights. Or spiders and heights. However, Maddie was the only one that knew of my fears (aside from failing a class. Everyone knew how much grades meant to me).

He frowned. "You can't seriously be fearless, Anna. There's no way."

I grinned. "I'm sure we all know my one fear, and if you did do something like that, I'd castrate you in a heartbeat." It came out pleasant, but I knew he heard the dangerous undertones of my threat.

He gulped. "I'm not that low. Cut me some slack."

"Good. Now, if you excuse me, I have to read some stuff for Arithmancy. Bye, now!"

With that, I summoned my book and ignored Black until he left. By the time I went to bed, it was about two in the morning, and I was on chapter seven.





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