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Saying that class was boring would be an understatement. The beginning of the year "you better do well because everything counts/I expect you to do your best" lectures made me want to jump out a window. Of course I was going to do my best, and I knew that everything counted. And the people that needed to hear it did not care.

By the time lunch rolled around, I turned to Maddie and groaned. "If I hear one more speech, I'm going to diiieeeee."

She giggled but nodded. "Tell me about it."

Luke plopped down across from me. "Tell you about what?"

I smirked slightly and picked up a slice of apple. "Your herpes problem."

He faked being hurt but grinned. "Ouch. You wound me."

I smiled. "Meh." Then, animatedly, I said, "So I was thinking that tonight, we could go go to the library and study a little bit for History of Magic or Charms or Potions, since- ya know- we've started learning in those classes, and I kinda wanna get ahead, but not too-"

"Anna, chill. We're on day one," Maddie said.

I bit my lip and frowned. "But we could have a pop quiz tomorrow!" I cried.

I felt someone plop down beside me, and I saw Remus sit beside Luke.

"I doubt we'll have a pop quiz tomorrow, Anna," Sirius said from beside me.

I scowled at him. "You'll study with me, right, Luke-y?"

I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and watched at his resolve crumbled. "Alright. We'll work on Potions, since you're so good at the other two."

I clapped excitedly with a big grin on my face, dropping the sadness in my eyes.

"I'll come too, Anna," Sirius said, throwing his arm around my shoulder. He spoke so urgently, that it took me by surprise. "I fell asleep in History of Magic."

"Yes! I love History of Magic!"

Maddie was grinning amusedly at me, giving me a look that I couldn't recognize. So I tried to channel my most confused look. She shook her head, smiling slightly.

I shook it off, not really knowing what she was on about. It was in that moment that the bell rang for us to go to class. That meant I had Arithmancy.

"Any of you lot take Arithmancy?" I asked with a shy smile. It was a hard class that nobody really took unless their parents made them.

"I do," Remus said. "Let's go."

I giggled. "You're my Arithmancy buddy! We can study together," I laughed as we walked off together.

"That would be fun," he said. "Maybe we could go over Herbology too. You do take Herbology, right?"

I laughed. "Remus, it's required."


"Maybe you should save that for Maddie," I said, pulling the door to the classroom open.

Right as the bell rang, I took my seat and pulled out a quill.

I ran through the halls, Luke right behind me as we escaped Filch. Laughter bubbled through the both of us as we ducked into an empty classroom and quietly closed the door.

"I can't believe he tried to chase us," I breathed.

"I vent believe he tried to sick Mrs. Norris after us."

"I can't believe we turned his office into a bouncy house."

"I can't believe we're going to try to get to the library now."

I giggled at him. "It's easy. I know a shortcut."

With that, we tiptoed out of the classroom and to the library, where Sirius was waiting for us, eyes squinted slightly in irritation.

"You're late," he said, frowning.

"We're fugitives," I replied.

"You're late fugitives," he snapped.

I frowned and sat directly beside him. Putting my hand on his shoulder, I said, "Calm down, Sirius. It's okay. Let's go over History of Magic first."

Why was he so grumpy? We were just a few minutes late...

Later that night, I sat beside Maddie in our dorm on my bed, talking about what happened that day.

"Yeah, we are a few minutes late, and he looked at us like we killed a man. Well, he kinda was glaring at Luke, but I think he was mad at both of us."

She shook her head. "Anna..."


"Just... Nothing. Let's go to bed."

I sighed. "Okay. Night."

She got up and stumbled to her bed, tripping over my robes that were on the floor. "Night."

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