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I walked into my dorm after breakfast and what I saw was hilarious. "Hey, Anna, have you see- Whoa. What happened to you?"

I couldn't stop staring at her horrid green skin, the frizzy hair, and the boils all over her arms and neck. "Sirius Black happened, and once I figure out how to fix this, I'm gonna kill him."

"Maybe we should go to Madam Pomfrey." I said after thinking for a moment.

She scowled at me, pulling out a quill and parchment. "No. No, no, no. We're gonna be classy about this. But I'll need some help."

"But don't you need to fix, um..." I motioned at her entire body awkwardly.

"I mean, yeah, but-"

"Then we should probably get someone to help."

"Unfortunately, I refuse to leave the dorm until I look normal again, so..."

I rolled my eyes at the hard-headed girl and turned to the door. "I'll get Remus. He'll know what to do."

As I exited the dorm, I heard her snort and shout , "Or maybe you just want to flirt with him!"

"Shut up, Anna!"

I led Remus up the stairs moments later, our arms full of potion ingredients and cauldrons galore. Remus, of course, chuckled at the sight of Anna until I smacked him on the head with a potions book.

"I'll fight you, Lupin," Anna said playfully.

"Good luck, Waters."

With that, we all sat around in a circle, making the potion and laughing at each other. At one point, Remus realized that he forgot his wand so I offered him mine. An hour later, we finished and Anna downed a vile purple liquid.

Everything that was wrong seemed to fixed itself immediately.

"Thanks, Remus, I owe you one!" Anna said, pulling on a coat and reaching for her wand.

"Hey, how come you never owe me one?" I questioned.

"Because, my dear, the list has grown too long."

And with that, she departed the dorm and went down the stairs into the common room.

"Thank you for all your help today," I said to Remus.

"It's honestly no problem at all," He smiled. "I'll always be here for you two."

"Oh yeah, so um, about yesterday, I didn't mean to make things awkward, I was just shocke-" Remus cut off my rambling.

"Maddie, I understand, but I was actually wondering if you would like to accompany me on a date during the next trip to Hogsmeade?"

"I would be delighted to," and with that, we both left the dorm and walked down to the common room, only to see a red-faced Anna and Sirius, next to James, holding his chest, where i presume either James or Anna had previously hit him.

Merlin's beard, what have these two started?


Okay guys, so it's Maddie here and I am finally publishing. Anna and I are back and better than ever. I was going through a really rough time and was very stressed with exams and all, but the good news is we are back!
Love y'all tons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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