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The next few weeks it was the same boring routine but now that Halloween was approaching everyone was much more lively.

It was now a week before Halloween and I was sitting at the lake with Regulus and Anna, but she wasn't paying much attention as she was reading a book.

  "I see what you mean, that class is pretty boring. Personally, I think that if Binns didn't teach it, it'd be great." I said to Reg.

We kept on talking for a while, then he turned to Anna and asked her a question.

"Anna?" Regulus said. "Anna?"

She snapped back into reality. "What?"

"I asked a question. Were you listening?"

"Not really." She said in an extremely bitchy tone, but that's just her personality.

Regulus rolled his eyes and turned to me, then I heard someone yell Anna's name. Next thing I saw was Anna bolting off in the opposite direction.

Reg and I talked for a little while longer then I remembered that I had promised Remus I would study with him in the library. As I was walking to the library, I noticed a blue Sirius run past me.

I hurried to the library, trying not to be late as we are studying Herbology and that is by far my worst subject.

I ran inside, barely making it on time, with Remus blandly staring at a
Herbology book. He looked up at me as I slid one of the worn, wooden chairs out and sat across from him. I couldn't help but notice how his eyes lit up.

"Hey," he breathed.

My heart pounded. "Hey."


Damn, this was awkward. Okay, Maddie. You got this.

"So... Herbology?"

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, right, okay. We were reviewing mandrakes."

"Those are the things that help you breathe under water, right?" I asked, pulling out a quill and some ink.

He stared.


Sighing, he said, "Have you paid attention this year?...or any year?"



"But seriously, is it?"

He laughed and shook his head. "No. That's gillyweed."

I could feel my cheeks heat up as my embarrassment bubbled from the pit of my stomach.

He pulled out the chair next to him, "How about you sit here, it will be easier to see the books."

I stood up quickly and sat down in the seat beside him. He moved his chair so it was angled towards mine, our knees brushed one another and I looked up slightly blushing. As I was about to look down I noticed him slightly moving is head closer to mine.

I quickly looked down, "Um, I have to go, but just so you know, I don't kiss until at least after the first date."

I grabbed my books and rushed out before he could respond. I was running through the halls, trying to get to my dorm quickly, so I could tell Anna about what just happened, next thing I know, I was on the floor across from Sirius.

"Sirius! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"I'm fine but I have to go, I'm in a hurry."

In less than five minutes I ran into my dorm, with a startled Anna reading a book, as usual.

"Anna, I need some serious help."

"With what?" She questioned.

"Well, when I was studying with Remus he tried to kiss me, but I looked down and now I think I made things awkward because I told him I didn't kiss until after the first date then ran out and came straight here." I said extremely fast, not sure if she understood any of what I said. "Well anyways, what's new with you?"

"Well, I kind of turned Sirius into a Smurf earlier."

"You turned him into a...smurf?" I asked her. "You know you're going to die right? He's going to literally kill you."

"He can't catch me." She said smugly.

"Yes he can," I said, grabbing my bottle of perfume from my nightstand. I sprayed a book, which began to turn green and sprout warts. "See?" He's one step ahead. You're wearing my robes tomorrow, and you can forget about using any of you're own hygiene products."

She glanced around at everything in the room. "How'd he even get up here? There are enchantments and-"

"I don't know. But, I do know how we can keep him out."


"Trust me." I said yawning. "Now, let's not worry about that and get some sleep."

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