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I was sitting down on a compartment bench, looking at the picture of Remus and me.
"You know," Anna said, making me jump, "we have a trip to Hogsmeade coming up to kick off the year. Maybe you should ask him to go with you."
"But," I started, "What if he says no?"
"He won't, trust me."
I shook my head, "How are you so sure?"
"In due time, I'll tell you,"
I nodded and got up and grabbed my robes after she asked if I wanted to go change. We headed to the bathroom and changed quickly, going back to the compartment.
"We have about twenty minutes till we get there and I have to go talk to someone. Meet me outside the train, k?" Anna said. I looked at her weirdly but nodded nonetheless, and she skipped off to who knows.
When she left I grabbed the book Romeo And Juliet by some muggle named William Shakespeare. I was reading for about ten minutes before Anna skipped back into compartment and sat beside me, pushing my book away from my face.
"I need you help me get some things set up for the prank."
I closed the book and glared. "Every year you pull a prank, and every year you get detention for two months."
She grinned. "It's worth it. Now go put this," She handed me a bucket, "just outside the door of the Slytherin car."
I glared at the bucket but took it a moment later. "Fine."
I left my compartment and headed down to the Slytherin car, hoping to not be seen by anyone.
"Well, look who we have here," I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw Regulus Black standing there with his group of friends.
"Reg!" I go up to him and give him a hug.
"Hey! What's she doing!" I heard a little 2nd year say.
I turned to the kid,"I, am one of Regulus' friends."
"But, you're a Gryffindor!"
"So?" I said, turning back to Regulus. "Oh, Reg, stay clear of the Slytherin car."
I walk away, placing the bucket at the door of the car and rush back to the boys compartment, as mine is empty.
"Hello again, boys." I smiled. "Ugh, you boys take up the whole compartment!" I said looking for a place sit. I eventually decide just to squeeze in between Remus and the wall. In a few minutes, we felt the train stop, so we got up and exited the train, walking to the carriages.

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