I'm in WHERE!?

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'Man why am i so cold? Where is my blanket' i thought as i tried to reach out for my blanket but i couldn't find it, all i could touch was grass.

"Wait grass?" I whispered, i opened my eyes slowly but was blinded by the light and quickly closed them, when I got used to it i opened my eyes again and saw I was outside laid down in the forest.

'I don't think my mom got tired of me and dropped me off here, well who knows' i thought as i shrugged.

I got up but as soon as i did i looked shorter, 'What the heck, am i dreaming?' I thought as i looked at myself, i had baby hands and my legs we're definitely legs that 5 year olds walk on.

'I died in my sleep didn't i now i went to heaven, i knew i should've finished the cookies that my mamá bought, now that I'm dead they wouldn't care' i slowly walked out of the forest, and as soon as i did i saw a village.

Me thinking nothing of it went straight to it, as i entered the village i saw some people that looked familiar to me 'Where have i seen them before' I thought as i kept walking and looking around.

But i didn't see someone coming towards me and i accidentally bumped into them.

"I'm sorry i wasn't looking where i was going!" I said worried that they might be mad at me.

"It's alright sweety, nothing to worry about are you okay?" And as they said that i recognized them as Julieta Madrigal.

'Wait, WHAT IS HAPPENING!? AM I IN ENCANTO!?' I screamed in my head.

"Oh yes I'm fine" I responded keeping my cool on the outside but silently screaming on the inside.

"Are you sure? Here let's take you to your familia, do you know where your house is?" She said as she offered me her hand.

'Family? That's right i don't have one here and plus I'm a five year old so i can't live by myself, do i tell her the truth?' I thought to myself and decided i should tell her.

"I-I don't have a familia" I suddenly realized as i teared up a little 'stupid 5 year old tears'

"Oh my, well I'd be glad to take you in if you don't know where to go" she politely said to me.

"Really" i responded unsure if i could just intrude like that.

"Yes It'll be fine, plus i have a daughter just about your age I'm sure you'll get along nicely" She said as she picked me up.

"Ok thank you so much" i said as i let her lift me up.

"You're welcome mija" that was the final sentence as she took me to la casita.

I would be lying if i wasn't exited i mean I'm going to THE CASA MADRIGAL the most amazing house in all of Encanto.

As we got closer to the house i could see a girl about my age waving a la señora Julieta.

"Mamá! Mamá you're back!" She yelled as she went to hug her mom.

"Calma, calma Mirabel I want to introduce you to someone this is... silly me i forgot to ask for your name pequeña" She said as she looked at me.

"My name is y/n" i replied a bit shy about meeting Mirabel.

"She will be staying with us since she doesn't have a family or a home" she told Mirabel with a gentle smile. "You don't mind having a roommate do you?" She asked.

"Not at all mamá, c'mon y/n I'll show you to our room" Mirabel replied as she took my hand and ran to her- I mean our room.

As we were nearing our room we were stopped by, another Mirabel?

"Camilo move out of the way i wanna show y/n to her new room" Mirabel whined.

'Wait did she just say Camilo? OMG I FORGOT CAMILO CAN CHANGE INTO ANYBODY HE SEE'S' i screamed in my head while my face warmed up a bit.

"Fine, and who is y/n" Camilo asked. I guess he couldn't see me because i was behind Mirabel.

Mirabel pulled me in front of her and showed me to her cousin "She is y/n say hi" she said as she smiled.

"Hi y/n i love your name it's adorable" Camilo told me.

I blushed 100 shades of red and responded "w-well your n-n-name is pretty c-cute t-too."

He blushed a bit and said "thank you, well i got to go see you later Mirabel and y/n" and ran off.

"Gosh i wish he didn't turn into me all the time" Mirabel said. "C'mon our room is this way." She grabbed my hand and ran again with me right behind her.

'I can't believe i met my crush oh my god but i can't tell Mirabel till we're older' i thought to myself as we reached our room.

"You and I are gonna be roommates, well temporarily because I'm almost gonna get my gift" she told me so happily.

"Your gift?" I asked. 'I can't let them know i know about the gift ceremonies' i thought.

"Yup, whenever a Madrigal turns 5 years old they get their own gifts, I can't wait to see what mine is!" She screamed as she smiled so widely.

"I'm sure it will be awesome bella" I said as I also smiled but softly.

"Bella?" Asked Mirabel as she tilted her head confused.

"Oh if you don't like the nickname I could call you by your real name" I quickly said as I was afraid she didn't like the nickname.

"No, no I like it thank you, is it ok if i call you y/nn (your nickname)" she answered.

"Yes its fine with me" I replied as I smiled widely.

"We're gonna be the best of friends I just know it y/n!" Mirabel screamed as she jumped on her bed laughing. I laughed along with her.

'This won't be so bad I'm gonna love it here' I thought as I kept laughing with Mirabel.

"Hey y/n what do you wanna do right now" Mirabel asked me as she stopped jumping on her bed and sat down. She patted the spot next to her so I could sit down too.

I went to go sit down and said "well i like drawing, do you have any crayons and some paper?"

"Yes c'mon i have it here on my desk" we walked to her desk and surely enough there was paper and a lot of crayons. So we started drawing.

"Y/n did you meet my abuela yet?" Mirabel asked me as she was drawing her casita.

"No not yet" I replied as i looked up from the colorful dragon I was drawing.

"Wow you draw so amazingly y/n" she said as she looked at my drawing. I said a quick thank you and complimented hers to. "When we're done I'm gonna show you to my abuela okay?" She told me as she kept drawing.

"Okay I'd love to meet her" i replied to her as I also kept drawing.

"I think she'd like you, she's the one who gave us a home with the help of the miracle, so she could let you stay here with me!" She told me with admiration in her eyes.

"I hope so! I would love to live with you guys!" I smiled at her.

"Well c'mon let's finish these drawings so we could go see her" she told exitedly as she quickly colored her drawing.

"Ok!" I said with the same amount of enthusiasm and quickly but carefully finished my drawing.

You're my miracle (camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now