Meeting abuela Alma

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When we finished drawing Mirabel quickly grabbed my hand and ran to her abuela.

"C'mon y/n I want abuela to meet you!" Mirabel told me as we both ran.

"I'm right behind you bella" I giggled as we continued to run.

We ran through the whole house, we just needed the kitchen, so we ran over there.

"ABUELA! ABUELA! Look this is y/n!" Mirabel screamed as we entered the kitchen.

"Ah, so you're the famous y/n Julieta has been talking to me about" Abuela alma said as she turned to look at me with a gentle smile.

"Hi señora" I waved nervously to her I mean it's a little scary to meet her knowing what happened in the movie, but as I saw her smile I relaxed a little.

"I hear you have no family so I'd be happy to let you stay pequeña" she said to me with the same smile.

"Thank you so much señora" I replied to her while smiling widely.

"Oh please, call me abuela mija" She chuckled at me.

"See I told you my abuela would let you stay here" Mirabel told me as she grabbed my hand and ran out of the kitchen while giggling.

"I never doubted you Mirabel" I smiled at her while running with her.

3rd person POV

"She's quite a beauty, isn't she Julieta?" Abuela Alma asked her daughter as she watched her grand daughter play with the h/c haired girl.

"Y/n? Yes she is, poor girl was all alone, I'm glad you accepted her mamá" Julieta said with a smile looking at her mother.

"You know there is another door next to Mirabel's I was confused to why there was another one with y/i (your initial) on it but I guess the miracle decided that she should get a gift" Abuela Alma explained to Julieta.

Julieta looked shocked at first but slowly smiled at her mamá "I'm glad she's as special as the rest of us, you're gonna have to tell her though mamá" She responded.

"I know mija, I will tell both of them tomorrow so they will be ready" Abuela alma responded without her smile faltering.


Both Mirabel and I played until the sun went down.

"MIRABEL! DINNER TIME!" Agustin yelled for us.

"OKAY PAPÁ!" Yelled Mirabel as we both ran inside.

"Mirabel where do I sit?" I whispered to her as I was standing awkwardly, to be honest i was a little bit nervous I mean, I'm about to meet the whole familia Madrigal you can't blame me.

"C'mon you could sit with me" She told me patting the spot next to her.

As I was about to go sit in the chair casita carried me and sat me there "Thank you casita" I smiled at it, and it put it's tiles up as to say "you're welcome" I couldn't believe that just happened and kept smiling.

Finally, the whole family sat down for dinner, I was still kinda nervous and fiddled with my hand under the table.

Mirabel saw this, patted my shoulder and said "Don't worry I know they'll love you" She whispered to me to calm me down.

I smiled at her, took a deep breath and relaxed.

"Uhm mamá, who is this?" Pepa asked with a kind smile looking at me.

"Everyone this is y/n she will be staying with us from now on, c'mon pequeña say hi don't be shy" Abuela alma announced as she prompted me to say hi.

I slowly got up and said "Hello everyone I can't wait to be your friends" with so much enthusiasm and a huge smile.

"Well hello y/n I'm Pepa, this is my husband Felix, my daughter Dolores and finally my son Camilo" la señora Pepa introduced her family as she pointed them out for me.

"You already know me y/n, this is my husband Agustin, my eldest Isabella, my second daughter Luisa and you already met Mirabel" Julieta also introduced as Luisa and Isabella both said hi to me.

"And I'm the "Amazing tío Bruno"" Bruno said as he stood up dramatically.

I laughed a little and said "Nice to meet everyone, I'm glad to stay here with you guys" smiling widely.

"No, we're glad to have you here in our home hermosa" la señora Julieta told me with. Gentle smile.

Everyone agreed with her and told me they were happy for me to be here and how they would love to help me.

And so we were having a nice calm but amazing dinner. Once dinner was finished we all helped clean up the table.

Mirabel and I went to go put the dishes in the sink but casita carried them for us.

"Thank you casita" Said Mirabel as smiled at it.

Again casita put it's tiles up to say a quick "you're welcome" we both laughed a little until we were both picked up.

"Alright girls, c'mon time to get you both to bed" Julieta said to us as she carried us to our room.

She dressed us in our pj's and tucked us in each of our beds "Goodnight mis princesas" She whispered to us as she kissed both of our foreheads.

"Goodnight mamá"
"Goodnight señora"

We said simultaneously as we drifted to sleep.

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