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It's been about two days since the house came back to life and yes, MIRABEL GOT HER DOOR! I was so happy for her.

The mural on her door is basically like abuela's but her's has the family behind her as she holds the candle.

Anyway we were eating dinner and were talking and laughing. "Dolores if you heard Bruno, did you hear his little rat novelas too" I asked Dolores as Bruno blushed a bit, embarrassed about it.

"Oh yes, but it was quite entertaining" Dolores said as she smiled.

As we finished eating dinner we each put our plates in the sink and left to our rooms.

As I was about to enter mine Camilo stopped me "Hola hermosa, do you want to have a sleepover with me?" He asked as he played a bit with his ruana nervously.

"Of course chulo, let me just change into my pj's and I'll go to your room, okay?" I told him as I smiled.

"Sure, I'll be waiting" He replied and quickly ran off to his room, probably to get it ready.

I smiled as he left and quickly changed and brushed my teeth, I went to Camilo's room and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He yelled as I entered his room.

Camilo's POV

I was a bit nervous about having y/n here for a "sleepover", honestly, I just said that as an excuse, I want to cuddle up with her

I heard a knock on my door "Come in!" I yelled and y/n came in smiling at me.

My heart fluttered as I saw her "So what should we do?" She asked me.

"Uh... wait here a moment" I quickly left to one of my rooms and came back with a board game. (Don't know if they had board games but I'm putting it in there 🤷‍♀️)

"Ooh, monopoly, I haven't played that in a while" she told me as she was about to sit down.

"Wait! I'll be right back" I told her and left again to another one of my rooms, I grabbed some pillows and blankets for us just in case and went back to her.

"Here, it's so our butts won't get sore" I told her while smiling, she took a pillow and a blanket and sat down.

"Thank you chulo" She told me with a smile as I sat down and started to set up.

We were playing for a while and laughing at my misfortune, 'How the heck did I end up in jail 5 times already' I thought, I blushed as y/n giggled at me.

"Do you want to build a pillow fort? I feel like your tired of losing" Y/n said as she smirked at me.

"I-I wasn't losing, I was just going easy on you" I said, crossing my arms and looking away to hide my blush.

"Uh huh" She said not believing me. "So, do you want to build one?" She asked again.

"Sure, sounds like fun" I replied, we put away the game and started putting pillows and blankets together building our fort.

"Sure, sounds like fun" I replied, we put away the game and started putting pillows and blankets together building our fort

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(Pretend it's that one 😉)

As we finished the fort we went in "It turned out pretty nice" I said as I laid down.

"Yeah it's so pretty" y/n said as she looked around admiring the lights.

I decided to flirt a bit and told her "Not as pretty as you" She burst in a fit of giggles as I smiled at her thinking her laugh was adorable.

"Oh my god Camilo, that was so corny" She told me as she stopped laughing and smiled at me.

"Hey, at least I made you laugh, I love your laugh, and I love everything about you" I told her, giving her a gentle smile.

She blushed a bit and looked away "I love everything about you too Camilo, and I love you, not your power or who you shape shift into, I love you and only you" She said, still blushing as she did so.

I was shocked but smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her, she kissed back with the same amount of love.

We pulled away from each other and as we did she yawned a bit, I chuckled at how cute it was.

"Let's go to sleep you're already tired and I don't want you to go to sleep so late" I told her and she nodded. "C'mere" I told her as she came closer to me and snuggled up on my chest.

I put a blanket over us and she instantly fell asleep, I smiled as I was already beginning to fall asleep as well, but I kept stroking her hair.

I was about to go to sleep but before that I kissed her forehead and whispered "I love you my little miracle" as if she heard me she smiled. And with that I fell into slumber.


A/n: short chapter I know but I didn't have any ideas, also I heard that theory of Dolores hearing Bruno's little rat novelas on Tik Tok and it seemed funny to me so I decided to add that theory here.

Thank you for reading this book and I'll see you all in the next chapter, I love you mis amores. ❤️

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