We don't talk about Bruno

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We were sneaking into Bruno's tower but we saw abuela and Isabella pass by talking about Mariano.

"Such a perfect match" Abuela said passing by us as we were hiding, she was holding Isabella's hand.

"So perfect" Isabella replied, I knew she didn't want this and felt sorry for her.

"And so good for the Encanto" abuela said walking away, as we were about to enter we were stopped by Camilo, who had snuck behind us.

"What are you two up to?" He asked narrowing his eyes a bit.

"Y/n explain to your boyfriend what we were about to do?" Mirabel pushed me as I glared while blushing at  her for calling Camilo my boyfriend.

He also blushed, but coughed a bit to change the topic. "We were... about to get ready for the Guzman's" I quickly came up with pushing him towards his door. "And we can't get ready with you distracting us chulo, but to make it up to you I will sit next to you, what do you say?" I asked as I stopped pushing him.

He blushed as I had called him chulo, but quickly responded "Sure I'll let you both get ready, see you tonight hermosa" he smirked and went inside his room.

I blushed again and I could see Mirabel smirking at me, I playfully glared and said "C'mon Mira, we need to get that prophecy" grabbing her hand and leading her to Bruno's door.

We walked up the steps and Mirabel opened the door revealing Bruno's room that had sand coming down like a waterfall.

We got closer to it and Mirabel touched the sand then asked "Casita, can you turn off the sand?"

Casita lifted up it's tiles saying "I can't help in there."

"It can't help in here Mira." I told her as casita was moving rapidly, worried we might get hurt. "We'll be fine." I reassured it.

"We need to do this." Mirabel said with a determined look as I did the same. "For you, for abuela and a little for me." She whispered the last part and turned around. "Find the vision." as she was walking towards the sandy waterfall.

I was about to warn her about it but she fell. "Save the miracl- woah!" She yelled as she fell down, I winced and jumped straight into it sliding down safely.

As I made it down I saw Mirabel face first into the sand. "Are you okay Mira?" I asked her helping her up.

"Yup! Blehh." She replied, spitting out the sand that went in her mouth then taking out the sand from her glasses.

She got up and we both saw a hand pointing up that said "su futuro espera" and a whole bunch of stairs.

"Woah" Mirabel and I both said, then a tucán came up to us sitting on a rock.

"Oh hello" Mirabel said to it as it squawked answering her. "A lot of stairs, but at least we'll have a friend" And as she said that it flew away almost mocking us.

"Nope he flew away immediately" I deadpanned as Mirabel looked at it with an unimpressed look.

"Alright" Mirabel said as we both started climbing the stairs, I knew I could've just drawn a dragon or a pegasus and fly up there but I want the experience of this journey.

"Welcome to the family Madrigal" Mirabel sand as we climbed the stairs. "There's so many stairs in la casa Madrigal" She sang running out of breath while I was panting a bit.

'Couldn't they just make the room bigger and sound proof or something!' I screamed in my mind already tired.

"You think there would be another way to get so high because we're magic, but no! Magic, how many stairs fit in here? BRUNO YOUR ROOM IS THE WORST!" Mirabel screamed me silently agreeing with her.

You're my miracle (camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now