The stars don't shine they burn

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When the candle went out casita removed the doors that were protecting us and fell to the floor, no longer alive.

Mirabel and I looked at the ground sadly as we were to late.

"Mirabel! Y/n!" Julieta yelled as she came running towards us and I saw Camilo right behind her. "Y/n, Mirabel, are you two hurt?" Julieta asked us as we looked at her with sorrowful looks.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you're okay" Camilo said as he hugged me, but I couldn't hug him back, even if I wanted to. "Glad you're okay too prima" He told Mirabel as he slowly let go of me and looked at Mirabel.

She didn't look his way as she started looking at her mom and so did I. "I'll be right back, okay? Just need to check on my family" He told me as he left.

"Mirabel? Y/n?" Julieta called out to us but we didn't respond. "Don't move, I'll be right back" Julieta said as she left to get some medicines.

We just sighed as we watched her leave. I turned and saw Dolores helping abuela sit down and left. We both looked at abuela sadly as she looked worried and sad.

We got up and quickly left when no one saw us. As Julieta turned to check on us we were already gone.

"Y/n? Mirabel?" She whispered and Camilo heard because he quickly turned to where I was sitting only to see me gone. "Mirabel! Y/n!"

"Y/n!" Camilo yelled hoping I would answer but I didn't.

"Where is Mirabel and y/n? Where are they!?" Julieta asked but no one knew and now everyone was calling out our names.

We heard them from the mountains but chose to ignore them as we kept walking until we saw a river and we decided to stay there.

We were both crying all night. "I know you tried to help Bella, I'm sorry I couldn't help you" I apologized to her, feeling useless.

"It's not your fault y/n, Bruno had a vision about me and how I would save the miracle but I failed" She cried out as she brought her knees in.

"You didn't fail, you were doing great and I know it, you love the family and I know they would never blame you for anything" I told her as I went closer to her and hugged her.

"Thanks y/n, that's why you're my best friend, you always know how to cheer me up, even if it's just a little" She said while sniffling.

We stayed there hugging the whole night.

3rd person POV

"MIRABEL! Y/N!" People screamed their names but no one had any luck finding them.

The three kids were together "They haven't found them yet" Cecilia asked them as they gently shook their heads sadly.

Julieta and Agustin were still yelling their names. Felix was also yelling but Dolores was trying to listen and see if she could find them but to no luck, her gift was gone too.

Now we see a shadow standing in front of a branch that had a very familiar thread stuck to it.

As Mirabel was still crying and y/n trying to comfort her they heard a voice behind them.

"Mirabel, y/n?" Abuela said as they both looked away from her.

"Im sorry" Mirabel apologize "I didn't want to hurt us... I just wanted to be something... I'm not" Mirabel told her as she sighed.

"Im sorry too, I didn't mean to disobey you, and I feel as if I stole Mirabel's gift, it's probably all my fault, I never should've stayed with you all, I was probably a burden" Y/n apologized feeling guilty.

You're my miracle (camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now