First date

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I was waking up and tried to get up but I couldn't, someone had me by the waist, I opened my eyes and saw Camilo holding me close to him as he was sleeping.

I smiled gently and decided to stay there a bit, but we had to get up soon for morning chores.

A few minutes passed and Camilo stirred a bit and slowly opened his eyes as he saw me he blushed a bit but didn't let go.

"Camilo we have to get up to do chores" I whispered at him while running my hands through his tangled hair.

"Alright" He said as he reluctantly got up and put his hand out.

I gratefully accepted his help and he hoisted me up "Thank you chulo" I gave him a smile "Hey, could I use your bathroom" I asked him.

"Sure go ahead" He told me and I went to the bathroom, as I got there I did my business, washed my hands, brushed my teeth with the spare toothbrush in his bathroom and tried to comb my hair down.

As I got out I saw Camilo laying down on his bed with his eyes open, just thinking. I walked up to him and laid down beside him.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"I wanted to ask you something" He told me, not answering my question.

"Ok, shoot" I said as I face him.

"Well we're a couple, right?" He asked me as I looked at him confused.

"Of course" I replied.

"Well I was thinking we should go on a date" He finally said as he faced me with a bit of blush on his face.

I couldn't believe what I just heard and widened my eyes in shock then blushed a bit.

When he saw my expression he quickly said "I-If you don't want to that's fine" as he got up.

"No, no, no, I do want to go on a date, sorry, I was just shocked that's all" I responded as the blush on my face didn't go away.

"Oh, well that's amazing! Because I already have plan, how about we go today? After we finish our chores?" He asked as he fiddled a bit with his ruana.

"Sure, that sounds great" I smiled at him as I got up.

"Amazing! So I'll see you after your chores, I'm gonna go ask abuela for a day off so I could set up" He told me as I was walking towards the door.

"Okay see you then" I waved at him but he came to me, turned me around and quickly kissed my lips.

"See you later hermosa" He smirked as I was blushing.

"S-see ya" I replied as I left the room and quickly went to mine.

I got in my room and quickly changed out of my pijamas and left to the kitchen fir breakfast, when we all finished breakfast I saw Camilo quickly put his dishes in the kitchen and left to god knows where.

'I guess abuela gave him the day off' I thought as I also put my dishes in the sink and left to do chores.

Time skip

I was done doing my chores and helping people with what they needed and left to casita. Once I entered I quickly ran to my room to get a bit dressed up.

As I finished putting on the finishing touches I heard a knock at my door, I walked over to it and opened it to see Camilo there with a boquete of flowers.

"Y-Y-You look b-beautiful, these are for you" He stuttered as he handed me the boquete.

I gladly took them as I blushed a bit "Thank you Camilo" I said as I quickly put them in a vase with water and went outside with him.

"Ready for our date?" He asked me as he grabbed my hand gently, interlacing our fingers together.

"Of course I am" I smiled at him as we walked out of the house and into the village, we were now walking towards the forest I had woken up in.

"Okay I'm gonna need you to put on this blindfold while I guide you, do you trust me?" He asked me handing me the blindfold.

I took it from him and answered "Of course I trust you mi amor" and I put the blindfold on.

As I put it on he guided me through the tall trees and any rocks that were in our path.

We finally came to a stop "Wait here" He said as he left "Okay you can take off your blindfold"

As I took it off what I saw made the butterfly's in my stomach flutter, there I saw a river that looked beautiful and beside it was a picnic all spread out.

"Camilo... It's amazing I love it, thank you so much" I told him as I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

He hugged back "Anything for you mi vida, you're the light of my life" He said as we slowly separated.

"Well when I see you I see forever in your eyes, I feel okay when I see you smile" I told him as he blushed and looked away.

"I thought I was supposed to be the flirt" He said and guided me towards the picnic.

We sat there for hours, we talked, we laughed and we just had fun, it was time to go home as he was about to get up I quickly pulled him back down.

He looked at me confused "You gave me something now its my turn" I said as I got a box out of my bag and gave it to him.

As he opened it up he almost teared up, well, he did tear up, inside the box was a necklace that had my initial in the front and in the back it said "You are my one and only"

"Mi amor, I-I don't know what to say, thank you" He said as he hugged me and I hugged back.

I chuckled a bit and said "You also deserve the world precioso, I love you with all my heart"

"I love you too" He said as we slowly pulled away, we picked up and walked hand in hand home.

Let's just say it was the best day of our lives.


A/n: Omg, I'm sorry I didn't update, I didn't have any ideas but I came up with this and the next chapter might be the last, but don't worry I will hopefully make a oneshot book about this one.

That is all and thank you all for the reads, I will see you all in the next chapter, I love you mis amores. ❤️

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