Meeting Bruno

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As we were walking to have dinner with the Guzman's, I was suddenly pulled away and taken inside a room, when I registered what was going on I realized it was Camilo's room.

"Sorry I had to pull you in here so suddenly, I just wanted to tell you that I don't think we're gonna be able to sit next to each other, abuela already made the seating arrangements" Camilo told me sadly while rubbing his arm.

I smiled at him and grabbed his hands. "It's alright, don't worry about it, you know we live in the same house, I could sit next to you tomorrow" I told him 'I'm such a liar' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, you're right, it's just- I don't know why, but you make me feel like it's just you and me in the whole entire world, I wanted to say that-" He was interrupted by abuela screaming.

"CAMILO AND Y/N! DINNER TIME!" Abuela yelled as Camilo sighed frustrated that he got cut off.

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "C'mon chulo, we better go before abuela gets angry" I said as he nodded, and we both walked to the table.

We separated and I went to go sit next to Mirabel and Agustin. Basically I was in between both of them.

"The Guzman's and the Madrigals together will be so good for the Encanto" Abuela told señora Guzman while smiling.

"Yes, then let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster" Señora Guzman replied as abuela chuckled.

Mirabel and Dolores were staring each other down, Mirabel didn't want her to tell everyone so she kept an eye on her while I smiled nervously and so did Agustin.

"To a perfect night" Abuela said as they cheered. "Salud!"

"Salud!" They all yelled except for Mirabel, Dolores and I.

As they started talking, Mirabel started to serve herself still keeping eye contact with Dolores, who was totally freaking out.

Mariano made Mirabel lose sight of Dolores. "Avocado?" He asked putting the bowl in Mirabel's face, she groaned then moved the plate only to see Dolores telling Camilo the secret.

He coughed turning into Mirabel, Me then Bruno and finally transformed as himself but with a messed up face.

Abuela and señora Guzman both looked, but abuela grabbed the wine and poured it in to her glass laughing nervously.

Felix noticed and told him. "Camilo, fix your face"

Camilo shook his face and returned it back to normal and looked at me worried and nervous, I smiled awkwardly and now Mirabel was looking at him so he wouldn't say anything, but once again was blocked of his view.

"Water?" Isabella asked putting a jug in front of Mirabel's face, she quickly moved it aside and saw Camilo tell Felix as he told him Felix spit out the water he was drinking onto Mariano.

He looked appalled by this, Felix and Camilo just smiled nervously at him.

"Y/n" Abuela said as I quickly looked at her. "The cream please" She asked me as I smiled awkwardly.

"Señor Agustin, the cream" I told him as he stiffly handed me the cream as I handed to Mirabel.

But as she turned to give it to Isabella we saw Felix telling Pepa and she stared at us in shock, creating storm clouds.

Abuela saw this and told her "Pepa! The cloud" she pointed.

Pepa started to rub her braid and tried to calm herself "Clear skies, clear skies"

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