You're my miracle (Finale)

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6 years later

6 years has passed and Camilo and I were still happily together, but he's been acting a bit strange lately, after chores he would stay out longer and come home like at 11:00 pm, I was starting to worry a bit.

I was in the kitchen with Mirabel, helping her mom with dinner. "Hey Bella, have you noticed Camilo acting strange lately?" I asked her as I washed my hands.

She quickly looked at me and responded "N-no, I haven't noticed at all" She laughed nervously.

I looked at her strangely and dried off my hands. "Are you sure? It's just that he comes home late and when he does I go to greet him and he always avoids me, like if he's hiding something" I told her worried there was something wrong or that he doesn't love me anymore.

She chuckled a bit and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll tell you what's going on eventually, in the mean time let's get the table ready for dinner"

I nodded and we went to go set ip the table, once we were done we called everyone down and surprise, surprise Camilo wasn't there yet.

I sighed and just ate with everyone else, we had a nice dinner "So y/n, do have any plans for the future" Pepa asked me as Felix whispered something to her.

I looked at them confused "Um, not anything at the moment" I responded as I ate the last bit of my food.

"No plans, anything, what about, I don't know, marriage?" Isabella asked me as everyone leaned in.

I looked at everyone with a weirded out look still confused.

"Well that depends on Camilo, if you'll excuse me" I said as I got up and put my plate in the sink, just as I was about to wash it Mirabel went up to me.

"I'll do that for you" She said as she washed my plate.

"Okay?" I said very confused.

"Hey can you do me a favor?" She asked and before I could respond she quickly cut me off "GREAT! My mamá needs some berries to make some pie right now and since I'm busy washing the dishes maybe you could go"

I looked at her and replied "Fine, where should I pick them?"

"Oh, the river that we escaped to" She told me as she kept washing the dishes, I nodded and left to go pick the berries. It was weird how I passed by several people in the house and no one asked where I was going.

'Julieta probably told them about the pie' I thought as I neared the river I saw something that shocked me.

I saw fairy lights hanging on the trees and it looked so beautiful, I saw roses on the floor that lead straight to the river and then I saw Camilo looking at me as he smiled.

I approached him "Camilo, what's all this?" I asked him as I almost burst into tears.

"Y/n the moment I met you I knew you were the most amazing and beautiful girl I've ever met, nothing could compare your beauty, I know I sound a bit corny but I can't lie about how I feel" He said as I let go of the basket and covered my mouth to hide my smile but my eyes deceive me.

"Y/n, I love you more than anything, you are the reason I wake up every morning, I smile whenever I see you, the nicknames you call me makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter, and when I hear you laugh I never want it to stop, that's why-" He got on one knee and I was letting my tears fall at this point. "Y/n, would you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?"

I laughed still with tears in my eyes "Yes!" I said as he held my hand and put the ring on.

He got up and held my face "You've made me so happy, you know that" He whispered as he also had tears in his eyes.

"WOOHOO!" We heard someone yell and we turned back and saw the whole family.

"Good job mijo" Felix said as he walked towards Camilo and gave him a pat on the back.

"Look at my baby, all grown up" Pepa said, walking towards him too and giving him a hug and he also hugged back.

"Pepi, your gonna get them wet mi vida" Felix told her and gently pushed her away from Camilo and they both walked off to the rest of the family.

Mirabel came to me "Your gonna be my oficial prima soon" She told me as she had tears in her eyes. She hugged me as we both cried and she gently let go. "Hey, I knew we where meant to be bff's"

I laughed at her and she smiled warmly at me then walked towards her family.

Next came Julieta and Agustin "Mi vida, I can't believe you're growing up so fast" Julieta told me as she embraced me. "I remember when I took you in, and I will never regret it" She said as we continued to hug.

"Pequeña, always remember you were always apart of this family" Agustin told me, also hugging me.

"I was lucky you were kind enough to take me in" I told them as we separated and they joined the family.

Next Luisa, Isabella, Dolores and Antonio came to us, Isabella and Luisa to me and Dolores and Antonio to Camilo.

"I'm proud of you squirt" Luisa said as she ruffled my hair laughing and I laughed with her.

"You know, you're the most beautiful flower here, because you're yourself, and the most beautiful flowers are the ones who accept that" Isabella said as they both hugged me.

"Thank you two for being the best older sisters I never had" I hugged them as I let my tears fall.

"You're welcome y/n" They bot said as we pulled away and went to congratulate Camilo as Dolores and Antonio came to me.

"I guess you're gonna be our new sister in law huh? Although it felt like you already were our real sister" Dolores told me with tears as she embraced me.

"Y/n, thank you, for taking care of me" Antonio said and also hugged me.

"You guys are the best" I told them as we all hugged. They let go and all four of them went with the family.

Abuela came to the both of us and smiled "I knew you two would be perfect together" She told us as we both hugged her.

She pulled away and that's when we heard someone scream. "KISS HER ALREADY!" We looked at the family and saw it was Isabella who screamed.

We laughed and Camilo gently grabbed my face towards him "I love you y/n" He said.

"I love you too Camilo" I replied and we both leaned in and kissed.

(Time skip to the wedding)

We pulled away and saw the whole village and our family cheering.

We both looked at each other and smiled "We could finally be together" He said and caressed my face "And I won't ever leave you, you know why?" He asked me.

"Why?" I responded still smiling at him he chuckled at me.

"Because, you're my miracle" He said I giggled and we both leaned in and kissed again.

We both were happy we could have our happily ever afters.


A/n: Soooo this story is now officially over I'm so sorry, I didn't have anymore ideas.

I will probably do a one-shot book and it may have requests but I don't exactly know when I'm gonna make it.

But on a different note, I will probably make a miraculous ladybug book, it will be a chat noir x reader x Luka and yes the reader will come from her world and know the plot of the story, plus she will get a miraculous, I got the idea of the miraculous from a fanfic but I can't find the one who wrote it to give credits 😔. But if I publish the book and you recognize who came up with the idea please tag them so I can give them credits, thank you.

Soo yeah this is the end.


You're my miracle (camilo madrigal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now