13. Room to Breathe

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I was tempted to ask Nic why he was just sitting at my workplace, staring out the window. He looked so tired and... sad? The enthusiastic, smirking guy from last night was long gone, and to be honest, I didn't like seeing him so out of energy. What he said about his perfect life stayed on my mind. I'd seen hate in his eyes when he said it.

I couldn't understand why he'd be angry with his life, or why he would hate it, but I did understand the look in his eyes. I knew painfully well what it was like when people didn't see past the surface, and I did not know anything about what was going on in Nic's life, so I tried not to judge. Besides, if everything was alright with him, he wouldn't be sitting in our shop, staring out the window for hours with such a tired expression on his face. He was not tired because of a sleepless night.

More than an hour had passed since he asked me to let him sit there for a moment longer, and he still wasn't getting up. I focused on working, but still stole glimpses of him whenever I had the chance. For some reason, the fact that he chose to come to our shop made me feel things I didn't want to feel. He was here because of me, and that... Fuck...

There was no one else around, so I went to grab a big cup of cola and brought it to Nic. He glanced at it, then at me in surprise.

"On the house," I said as I put it down in front of him. "I can get you coffee too."

"Thanks," he said with a smile. "But you don't have to give me anything."

I ignored his words as I sat down.

"Did something happen?" I asked.

He stared at me for a brief moment, his smile fading. "No..." he finally muttered and looked away. "It's just..."


He shook his head with a sigh. "Nothing's wrong."


"No, I'm being serious. Everything is fine. Everything is perfect."

"You keep saying that," I noted. "But perfect sounds more like a curse word coming from your mouth."

He snorted with a smile, but he wasn't amused. "I'm grateful for everything I have in my life."

I tilted my head as I watched him. "You still hate it. Or at least parts of it."

"I have no reason to," he said.

"Are you telling that to me or yourself?"

He suddenly laughed and looked at me. "What's with the interrogation?"

I shrugged. "I'm just trying to understand you better."

His smile turned softer, and his posture relaxed. He was about to say something, but his phone started ringing. I didn't miss the immediate change in his behavior when he glanced at his phone. And I did not miss the name Dad on the screen just before he answered the call.

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