19. Options

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Nic slept for quite a while in my lap. Poor guy was so exhausted he didn't wake up even to the loud noises coming from TV before I turned the volume down. I let him sleep and continued watching the movie since I was now trapped. Well, I didn't pay enough attention to the movie to follow the plot, but it was entertaining enough. But mostly I just watched Nic. I couldn't help it. The guy was hot.

I had a lot of time to think and relive memories. After one Gabriel had made me feel like complete shit, another one was now making me feel better about myself. Nic was so much different from the rest of his family. Although... Kenneth had been much younger. Just a stupid kid. Would he still say the same things about me now?

I didn't fucking care. I couldn't give a damn about the Gabriel family anymore, except for this one individual who snored lightly in my lap. The one who was sleeping here because he couldn't sleep at home because of that family.

My parents arrived at home thirty minutes later. Nic still wasn't waking up, even though my dads were making a bit of noise. I could hear grocery bags full of cans and glass bottles and all the other loudest things anyone could buy from the store, but Nic kept snoozing away.

"Jax? You home?" Pops asked in a raised voice and stepped into the living room only a few seconds later.

I gestured for him to keep it down, and he gave me an apologetic grin.

"Sorry," he whispered. "We'll try to be quiet."

Dad peered behind the corner as well. "Oh, you guys already ate. Do you still want dinner or...?"

"We can eat leftovers later," I whispered back.

"Sure. We'll try to be quiet," he promised as well, and they both sneaked into the kitchen.

I looked back at Nic, who was still completely out.

"You better wake up before I need to use the toilet," I muttered to him, caressing his hair.

It wasn't until another twenty minutes later when he finally started moving. I suppose the noises coming from the kitchen had been enough to pull him back from his slumber. For a moment, he was disoriented as he looked around, trying to understand what he was seeing.

"Morning," I murmured, and he looked up at me.

He froze like he didn't recognize me, but then smiled and stretched. "Sorry... I didn't mean to fall asleep on you..."

"It's fine," I said. "You needed it."

I could see a hint of his anxiety flashing in his eyes, but when I continued brushing his hair in a slow manner, it quickly vanished. His smile was smaller now, but warmer.

"What time is it?" he asked when he realized we weren't alone.

"I don't know. Seven? Half past seven, maybe?"

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