2. First Encounter

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So there I was with a real challenge on my hands. I had to make Jax to fall in love with me. He had to tell me he loved me during the next sixty days, or I'd lose a hell of a lot of money. I had to make another guy fall in love with me, and not just any guy. I had to make Jax fall for me. I wasn't even sure if the guy could love anyone!

I let out a long sigh, still lying on my bed, waiting for my alarm clock to go off. I had been sleeping restlessly through the night, and I felt tired. I still didn't know if it had been a good idea or not to accept the challenge, but when I thought about the evil grins of Caleb and Jacob, I knew I couldn't just give up right away. They'd make fun of me for the rest of my life if I'd just give up before trying.

By the time my alarm clock started beeping, I'd been awake for an hour already. I got up from my luxurious bed in my even more luxurious room and walked to my bathroom. I stepped under the hot shower and closed the glass door behind me. I let the warm water wash away the tension I felt, and for a moment, I felt relaxed.

Right until I remembered the damned challenge again. Why had I accepted that stupid bet? I had to make another guy fall in love with me! What the hell was I thinking? Clearly I wasn't thinking at all.

I can do this, I thought, taking a deep breath, trying to push the bet away from my head.

I just had to do what I always did when flirting. I didn't have to kiss him or sleep with him to make him fall in love with me. I just had to use my charm. I had done that countless times before. I just had to pretend that I liked the guy and give him some of my attention.

I hope he's not too sure about his sexuality or this will not work...

If Jax had even a small amount of gay in him, winning the challenge should be just a walk in the park. The guy had always so much makeup on that he had to be at least a little bit gay.

I started to feel more confident. I didn't have to like the guy - I just needed to act like I did.


An hour later, I stopped my car in front of Jessica's home, and a few minutes later, she stepped out of their front door. I saw how she squinted her eyes when she saw me, and when she sat down in my car next to me, she didn't say anything to me.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked carefully, even though it was obvious she was.

She hadn't really spoken to me after I had accepted the challenge. It had been awkward to study with her – we were partners in pretty much every subject at school.

"Are you still planning on trying to make Jax fall in love with you?" she asked without answering my question.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said while starting to drive toward the gates that surrounded our secluded neighborhood. "I don't understand why you're so mad about it."

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