33. Poisoned Family

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My fucking god, what did I get myself into...?

I followed Daniel inside his home, my heart already beating fast. I was getting increasingly uncomfortable, and then we were inside in the large entrance hall. I stopped, unable to take another step.

Why did I ever agree to this...? I didn't know these people. These people, the richest of our city and friends with Nic's father, and I was a guy in a fucking dress, in full makeup and hair, standing in the middle of all of them with only one friend by my side.

And they were looking at me.

"Jax?" Daniel spoke my name, but I couldn't move.

I couldn't do it. Why did I ever think I could do it? I was hardly able to stand in a dress in front of my friends, and now there were... There were so many people... I didn't realize there would be so many people... Why were they all looking at me? Why did they all look so... hostile? Why were my ears suddenly ringing, drowning the other voices? And why did everything look so strange and dark and scary all of a sudden?

I couldn't breathe...

I couldn't...

And then... it all stopped. Like the whole world had turned blurry and muffled, but I could see Nic. He was hurrying to me with a smile on his face, looking so good in his new suit... He was so hot... The hottest damn thing in this world...

I smiled, breathing again, and the world turned back to normal. There was no darkness, no ringing in my ears. These rich people didn't look scary anymore, only snobby. They didn't matter anymore, nor did the swift, uninterested glances they gave me because I didn't matter to them, either.

When Nic stopped in front of me, his eyes glued on me, he seemed unable to speak.

"Surprise," I said quietly.

"You're so... Wow... Just... Wow... But why are you here?" he asked, his eyes shining in happiness, making me feel so good in my red dress, in full makeup and hair, standing in the middle of all these rich people.

I came here for him, after all, and that look on his face was worth it all.

"Well, I happened to have this dress lying around, and I didn't have anything else to do, so..."

His smile grew wider at my little joke.

"You're so fucking hot..." he breathed out. "Is it all right if I kiss you? Will it smudge your lipstick?"

"You may kiss me," I told him, and he carefully cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips on mine.

And I didn't even care who was there to watch us. I only cared about my boyfriend.

When he pulled back, he had to take another good, long look at my appearance. His smile grew wider when his eyes met mine again.

"I'm so happy you came here," he said quietly. "And you look so... so..."

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